Steamed buckwheat flakes in boiling water for 3 minutes.
How to cook buckwheat flakes
Flakes – half a cup
Water or milk – 1 glass
Salt – a small pinch
Sugar – half a teaspoon
Butter – 1 teaspoon
How to cook buckwheat flakes
- Boil milk or water.
- Add sugar and salt.
- Put the flakes in boiled liquid.
- Mix.
- Add butter.
- Cover and let it brew for 3 minutes.
Delicious facts
To prepare buckwheat flakes, water or milk is taken at the rate of 1: 2. One part flakes for two parts liquid.
If you add less liquid to the flakes, you get a very dense mass, adding salt, pepper and chicken eggs to which you can cook buckwheat cutlets or meatballs.
In the production of flakes, cereals undergo technical processing, while losing fiber and other nutrients. Therefore, the most optimal solution would be to use whole grain flakes, in the manufacture of which the grain is only flattened without losing the bran shell.
Buckwheat flakes, as a substitute for sugar, are perfect for such dried fruits as black quiche-mish raisins and dried apricots. Fruits such as pear or banana can be added. Sweet tooths can add jam, condensed milk, honey and grated chocolate to their cereal.
In stores, you can sometimes find flakes of green – not heat-treated – buckwheat. Such flakes are brewed even faster and are ready to use in 1 minute after heating.
Buckwheat is a real record holder among cereals in terms of protein and amino acids content. For comparison, if in buckwheat there are 100 g of proteins per 13 g of the product, then in rice the same indicator is only 2,7 g.