How long to cook an artichoke?

Before cooking, peel the artichoke from the thorns and tops, remove the stem, soak in water with lemon juice (juice from 1 lemon for 1 liter of water) for 1 hour. Boil water, add salt, add artichokes to it, cook for 30 minutes.

How to cook artichokes

You will need – a kilogram of artichokes, water.

Instructions 1. Wash the artichokes, remove tough leaves, cut off dark spots and hard parts of the pods.

2. Put the artichokes in a saucepan, pour in the water so that it covers the artichokes.

3. Salt water, put the pan on fire.

4. Put the saucepan on high heat, then reduce heat.

5. Cook the artichokes for 20 minutes.

6. Place artichokes on a plate with a slotted spoon, use in recipes.


Delicious facts

– Serve artichokes with sauce: at least olive oil and lemon juice.

– Cook artichokes in an enamel saucepan or a Teflon-lined saucepan to prevent browning.

– Check the boiled artichoke for readiness simply – pierce the artichoke with a toothpick or skewer and if it enters without effort, then the artichoke is cooked.

– When cooking artichokes, you can add lemon juice, grape or table vinegar.

– After boiling, the artichokes must be removed hairy part… The soft leaves and pulp of the artichoke pod are good for consumption, the hard leaves must be removed.

Calorie value artichokes – 28 kcal / 100 grams, boiled artichokes are considered a low-calorie delicacy.

The weight 1 artichoke – 200-350 grams.

– To select fresh artichokes, just look and touch them: fresh artichokes with dense leaves filled with juice, the fruit itself is weighty, without a hint of dryness.

– Artichokes darken when cut. To warn darkening, you can pre-soak artichokes in a solution of juice of 1 lemon.

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