How long booze to cook?

Buzara is boiled for 30 minutes, the total cooking time is 50 minutes.

How to make red buzaru


Seafood (shrimp, mussels, etc.) – 200 grams

White onion – 1 piece

Red onion – 1 piece

Carrots – 2 pieces

Tomato – 2 large

Garlic – 2 cloves

White wine – 200 milliliters

Parsley – 1 bunch

Olive oil – 8 tablespoons

Salt, ground pepper – to taste

How to cook red boozer

1. White and red onions, as well as 2 carrots, peel, chop finely and sauté in olive oil in a thick saucepan or large vat for 7 minutes.

2. Cut two tomatoes, pour boiling water over a teapot, remove the skin and chop finely.

3. Rinse the bunch of parsley and chop.

4. Put half the greens together with 2 peeled garlic cloves and prepared tomatoes in a saucepan with vegetables and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat, covered with a lid.

5. When the vegetable mass becomes almost homogeneous (for which you can also grind it with a blender), add 200 grams of thawed and washed seafood to the pan (first of all, start the shrimp), salt to taste and continue cooking under a closed lid.

6. As soon as the buzara boils, pour in 200 ml of white wine and cook for another 5 minutes without covering. Arrange the finished seafood dish on plates, season with pepper and garnish with parsley.


Delicious facts

– Buzara is a traditional seaside dish, its recipe has been passed down from generation to generation for many years. In fact, it is a sauce based on seafood. It is believed that this dish has its roots in Montenegro. However, it is very popular in Spain and Italy. In Russia, this dish can most often be found as a soup. Also Buzara is used by some as a sauce for spaghetti.

– Depending on the color, Buzara is subdivided into red and white.

– For the preparation of Buzara, you can use either one type of seafood or several (shrimp, scallops, mussels, squid, etc.). At the same time, first of all, those seafood that is cooked for the longest time should be put into the pan.

– In addition to carrots, onions and garlic, you can add celery, ground black pepper, bay leaves and other spices, as well as lemon to the broth.

– The dish is considered ready when the mussels fully open and give juice. If some of them have not opened, then these are best removed from the pan. As a rule, this indicates substandard seafood. Also, it is not recommended to cook buzaru from open mussels. These sometimes come across when defrosting. This means that the clam in the shell was frozen while being dead.

– As a drink to this dish, it is best to serve white wine, for example, Montenegrin dry wine “Krstach” (Krstac); homemade wine or liqueur is also suitable.

– Buzara should be served hot along with a baguette so that you can dip the bread into an appetizing sauce.

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