How, in which pan can you fry without oil
The use of oil during frying increases the calorie content of the dish, in addition, when it is heated, carcinogens are formed that provoke tumor processes. Can I cook in a pan without oil? If so, how to do this so that the dishes do not lose their taste?
Which pan can you fry without oil?
Which pan can you fry without oil?
Cookware that can be fried without oil must have a thick bottom and sides or a non-stick coating.
If the pan has a thick bottom and walls, as well as a tight lid, then it doesn’t matter what metal it is made of. Vegetables cooked in such a dish without oil will be juicy and tasty because the moisture does not evaporate in the process.
When buying a non-stick frying pan, you shouldn’t save
The price level reflects the quality of the coating. This means that the more expensive the dishes are, the longer they will serve. The non-stick coating prevents the pan from overheating, so food will not burn on it.
It is incorrect to call any coating Teflon. Each manufacturer has its own coating composition, and this is not necessarily Teflon.
It can be a water-based hydrolone, common in American manufacturers.
If you don’t have the money to buy an expensive frying pan without oil, you can buy a non-stick mat. It costs much less than a frying pan and has the same properties. The service life of such a device is several years. And in the absence of a rug, you can put baking parchment in the pan.
When setting a goal to cook food in a frying pan without oil, you need to imagine that it will lose in taste to the dishes fried in the classic way. But in return, a dietary product is obtained, the calorie content of which is lower, and the benefits are higher.
In order not to use oil, products can be baked in foil, in a sleeve, stewed in a clay pot, and grilled. Vegetable stew can be cooked in a well-heated skillet, constantly adding broth in small portions. But if you want to fry an egg or meat, then you can use the following method.
It is enough to grease the surface of a non-stick frying pan with a cotton pad or napkin slightly moistened with oil and fry over medium heat.
The main condition: the sponge must be almost dry, otherwise all the benefits of this method will come to naught.
Cooking without oil is not difficult, you need to stock up on suitable utensils. Even if a product prepared in this way tastes different from that of fried in oil, its benefits are much higher.