How Healthy Smoothies Can Lead to… Obesity?

1. Adding a Banana to a Smoothie Dramatically Raises Blood Sugar

According to the latest American scientists, foods with a high glycemic index dramatically increase blood sugar levels, as well as insulin levels – both factors together can lead to weight gain and obesity, as well as such serious problems as diabetes and heart disease. In this sense, eating “healthy” bananas is not much different from eating just “unhealthy” refined white sugar.

Is it possible to get around this problem?

Yes, by adding a teaspoon of raw coconut oil to the smoothie, and cutting bananas in half. A healthier source of fat will slow down the flow of sugar into the bloodstream and improve metabolism. You can completely eliminate the banana, replacing it with wild berries – their glycemic level is much lower.

2. Greens are easy to digest in a salad, and too many greens in a smoothie can cause digestive problems.

What is not fully absorbed makes it difficult to remove toxins. According to research, a violation of the digestive process is the main problem leading to weight gain. Incomplete digestion of food, which can lead to an excess of greens in smoothies, slagging the body, does not allow toxins to be removed from it. Toxins, in turn, directly contribute to obesity, because. one of the body’s defense mechanisms is to try to “encapsulate” toxins in fat if they can’t be removed promptly. Otherwise, toxins would accumulate in the internal organs, which is much more dangerous for health.

3. Too much good is bad

Highly nutritious foods – avocados, yogurt, nuts and nut butters – should be added to smoothies in a limited amount, because they are just crazy amount of calories! You don’t have to give them up completely. However, if you care about your weight, it is worth cutting back on high-calorie fillers.

4. Remember that a blender is not “one serving”! A liter of “super-healthy” morning smoothie can easily lead to obesity

It’s very easy to overdo your morning smoothie and take in, say, 800 calories at a time—almost half of your daily intake! Especially if you have a large, voluminous blender, the cup of which just fits, well, oh, a lot of healthy and tasty products! You should not drink your usual morning smoothie in liters, for the intake of vitamins and minerals, 1-2 standard cups of the drink are usually enough.

5. Vegan milk substitutes are high in calories.

If you’ve ditched whole cow’s milk, and then “skimmed” milk – and finally replaced it with “even healthier” almond or coconut milk – chances are you can be congratulated: you’re back on your old fat intake! Both almond and coconut milk, which are sold in cartons, are wonderful alternatives for people who are medically unable to consume cow’s milk. But do not forget that these are highly processed foods, which most often contain thickeners, preservatives and sugar cane juice (sweet and high-calorie). Solution? Buy only 100% organic coconut milk from a jar, and make almond milk at home.

1. Take 2 cups of unroasted almonds (or even others, but also raw, not red-hot). Pre-soak the nuts for an hour and then drain the water and rinse them.

2. Place the nuts in a blender and add 4 cups of clean drinking (mineral) water.

3. Add 1 date or a little bit of honey (for sweetness).

4. Grind the ingredients in a blender.

5. Grind the mixture again!

6. Filter through a cloth (there are special linen filters for sprouts or for vegan milk. But obviously a “lonely” sock that is not needed in the household is also suitable for this purpose).

7. Milk is white! It can be stored in the refrigerator for a week – just remember to mix well just before use.


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