How different zodiac signs are cleaned at home found out how your date of birth can affect your cleaning habits.

Have you become curious why some of your relatives constantly throw things all over the apartment, while others, on the contrary, pedantically put everything on their shelves? Or why does your friend like to do spring cleaning, and the prospect of crawling around the apartment with a rag is depressing for you? Well, we have a more or less rational explanation for this for you.

It is no secret that an experienced astrologer can predict the general traits of a person’s character, knowing only the date of his birth. And of course, these traits will leave their mark on everything, whatever a person does – including cleaning the house. Therefore, it is not a problem for astrologers to predict how certain signs will relate to putting things in order and what they will pay more attention to, and what, on the contrary, less. But will their opinion of your sign match your apartment cleaning habits? Let’s check.

People born under this sign. usually practical, devoid of sentimentality and always right. It’s always – it just so happens, what can you do. And if they do not manage to plow someone from the house to clean up, they are ready to pay, just not to clean the house themselves – the divine origin interferes. However, among the representatives of this sign there are also such specimens that are not afraid of cleaning – they roll up their sleeves and for several hours with their seething energy literally turn into a “cleansing hurricane”. At such moments, it is better not to stand in their way – you can inadvertently get a rag in your face.

Taurus approach the issues of restoring order thoroughly, it is important for them first to plan a strategy for this important operation and think over all the stages. And when the plan is ripe, you can proceed with the cleaning itself. Of course, it will take a lot of time, but everything will be done efficiently – every speck of dust will be caught, not a single cat’s hair will escape fair retribution. Sometimes the desire of Taurus for the purity of representatives of other signs may surprise – what someone calls “order”, Taurus will be defined as “a hell of a mess” and, rolling up their sleeves, will get to work. It is useful to have at least one Taurus in the house, to be sure.

Representatives of this sign love cleanliness, but are often sure that some special invisible fairies are guiding it – you just have to look away. The lot of the Gemini themselves is not a vulgar bucket and a rag, but a sweet chirping about trifles with a friend over a glass of dry wine. But sometimes the rough reality invades the sublime world of Gemini, and it becomes harder and harder to take time off cleaning the apartment. Then inspiration can roll over them, and here who has not hidden, Gemini is not to blame! In a fit of inspiration, the whole house may well be “washed” with a furniture polish spray – a real case, by the way, one friend Gemini did just that.

Few people strive for home comfort as Cancers do: their own mink, sorry, an apartment for them is sacred, and the words “family values” are not an empty phrase. It’s not a problem for Cancers to get up at 5 am to prepare breakfast for the whole family. What can we say about cleaning – after all, a shining clean house for representatives of this sign is the same component of family happiness as well-fed relatives and neatly dressed children. Well, if you start cleaning, then you need to do it conscientiously, as Cancers think – from top to bottom, up and down, and even diagonally. Otherwise, what happiness is this?

Nobles should not condescend to such trifles as cleaning – that Leos, as a rule, do not condescend. Representatives of this sign may well exist, “without feeling the apartment under them,” and when the level of the mess goes off scale and debris starts to fall out onto the staircase when the front door is opened, it’s easier for them to hire someone to do all the dirty work for them. Although there are options: Leo can put things in order himself if he wants to make an impression (they love this business), so the question is in the right motivation.

For Virgos, cleaning is literally a way of life. There is nothing to add here, except “Easy, easy!” in especially neglected cases, since some Virgos, with their scrupulousness, meticulousness and pedantry, are able to get into a rage when cleaning up so that, together with the water, they will throw out not only the child, but also all the relatives in a crowd. So it’s better not to go home to Virgos without unnecessary need – there is a chance to earn an inferiority complex. Well, or at least take sunglasses with you: the floors must be so shiny there that there is a risk of damaging the retina.

Like other signs ruled by the element of air, Libra are people of mood. And inspiration. If present, there may be relative order in their homes. In the absence, there is a chance to see paths trodden in the dust on the floor in their homes, dried plants and such primordial chaos that your hair can stand on end. Libra, with a sweet smile, will smooth your hair and say, “Sorry, I have a slight creative mess here.” However, they also have such rushes of inspiration that Libra is swinging at a general cleaning. And here you really need to look after them – there is a chance that in the midst of the “fun”, they suddenly decide to look at the “interesting movie”. Or they will suddenly write a poem. In general, their creative energy sometimes needs to be directed where it should be.

Representatives of this sign can be sloppy at a young age, but over the years they begin to appreciate order. Moreover, they clean up the house in about the same way as their natural counterpart deals with their victims – quickly and ruthlessly. Scorpios prefer that all objects lie in their places, and do not spend a lot of time deciding how and whether to clean something – they just take it and clean it. They do this very efficiently, and no matter how long the cleaning takes – the job must be done, period.

Sagittarius are energetic, so cleaning the apartment is not a problem for them, but with their sociability and ease of lifting, it is often easy for them to find other activities for themselves – after all, there are so many things around that are more interesting than some stupid cleaning. However, this rarely happens for a long time – sooner or later Sagittarius will turn on his favorite music and easily and naturally clean up.

Representatives of this sign know for sure: in order to achieve something in life, you need to work hard and persistently go towards your goal. Real realists and practitioners, they are absolutely sure that nothing good will fall on them from above – even a bucket with a rag, they will have to achieve everything with their own labor. Capricorns approach the issues of cleaning cleanliness in the same way – first they will thoroughly plan the entire operation, and then methodically, step by step, will fulfill their plans. “Right now I’ll brush off the dust in a quick way, yes, okay!” Is not their style.

Aquarians often care about the state of affairs on the planet much more than the order in their own home. And all because at home they, as a rule, are in order – if Aquarius takes some thing, then puts it in its place, this is their nature – they sincerely do not understand why throw away something, if then everything will still have to collect. Well, if Aquarius decides to clean up, then he tries to get pleasure from this process. And at the same time, if he feels that the house has become somehow boring, he can rearrange the furniture. Delov something.

Representatives of this sign are often unselfish – they help others without expecting something in return, just for their own peace of mind, often Pisces is kind and tolerant of others. Which of course also affects their house cleaning habits. Often, Pisces do not see this as a particular problem, since childhood they have begun helping their mother wash windows and vacuum carpets. Having matured, Pisces treat cleaning with no less enthusiasm and zeal.

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