How and where to store crabs correctly?

How and where to store crabs correctly?

The shelf life of crabs is minimal. It is recommended to eat them within a few days after purchase. You can extend the preservation time of seafood by freezing them. Each method has its own distinctive features and implies certain rules.

The nuances of storing crabs:

  • at room temperature, the crab can be stored for no more than a few hours (otherwise the seafood will spoil its taste properties, acquire an unpleasant odor and become unsuitable for eating);
  • live crabs are also stored in the refrigerator (it is convenient to place them in special compartments designed for storing vegetables or fruits, in other compartments they will quickly die);
  • Salted water is considered the best option for storing live crabs (crabs are placed in a container filled with 2 cm of salted water at room temperature, and placed in the coolest place in the apartment);
  • it is not worth completely placing live crabs in water (liquid is needed only to “wet” the crabs, and not to create a habitat for them);
  • the container with live crabs must not be closed with a tight lid (oxygen must regularly flow to the crabs, therefore there must be holes in the lid);
  • fresh and cooked crabs should be stored only in the refrigerator (the shelf in this case does not matter, the main thing is that the product is in the cold);
  • it is not recommended to keep the crab open (it is better to place the cooked crab in a container or foil, and cover the fresh one with a cloth or towel);
  • crabs in any form should not be placed near food with rich aromas (for example, cooked dishes, smoked or salted foods);
  • placing the crab close to products with rich aromas will spoil the taste and smell of the seafood itself, and also negatively affect its shelf life;
  • if during storage the shell of a fresh crab has ceased to shine, then this indicates the end of the shelf life (such a product must be eaten immediately, and if there are foreign odors, it is better to get rid of it);
  • individual parts of the crab can be frozen in ice glaze (the claws must be placed in cold water and put the container in the freezer, after a few hours an ice crust will begin to form on them, when its width reaches 5 cm the crab must be wrapped in cling film or foil and transferred to the freezer );
  • you can freeze crab in cling film, plastic or plastic bag, foil, as well as in any container with a lid.

The shelf life of the crab is influenced by the degree of its cutting. If the seafood is not gutted, then it can be stored no longer than 2 days, the gutted version can be stored for 1-2 days longer. Individual parts of the crab retain their freshness better, so there is no need to create special conditions for their storage.

How much and at what temperature to store crabs

The shelf life of crabs depends on their species. If the crab is already cooked, then you can store it in the refrigerator, but no longer than 3 days. It is recommended to eat it as early as possible, on the third day the taste characteristics of the product may be impaired.

A live crab must be stored at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees. Otherwise, he will quickly die. If you plan to keep crabs for a long time before eating them, then they need to create not only the right conditions, but also regularly feed them with small fish. Crabs can remain alive for a long period of time, amounting to weeks or even months.

The crab can be stored in the freezer for three months. In this case, it is necessary to completely exclude temperature drops and repeated freezing of the product. The storage temperature should be about -18 degrees. After three months, the taste of the seafood will be disturbed, and the consistency of the meat will become tough.

If the crab meat was purchased frozen, then it can be stored in the freezer for up to a year. If the product thaws, do not put it in the freezer. It is better to eat the crab right away. If individual parts of seafood are frozen for the first time, then their shelf life will be three times less.

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