The benefits and harms of dry wine for the human body

The benefits and harms of dry wine for the human body

Dry wine Is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages that go well with sweets, fish, cheese and many light meat products. It is called dry because during its preparation almost all the sugar evaporates and its strength is the lowest among other types of wine drinks.

Despite numerous statements that dry wine, like any other, is harmful to health, scientists have proven that its use is not only not harmful, but also to some extent beneficial for the human body, but only on the condition that the person will use it in moderation.

Therefore, let’s talk in more detail about the benefits and dangers of dry wine, how does this drink affect human health?

The benefits of dry wine

As mentioned above, dry wine will be useful only if a person does not drink liters of it every day. Therefore, you should not think that since it is useful, then in large quantities its benefits will only increase. So, what are the beneficial properties of dry wine and in what cases is it effective?

  • In dry grape wine, pathogens of any type of typhus die in just a few minutes.… Even in dry wine diluted several times, cholera vibrios cannot survive. It is also possible to treat many other gastrointestinal ailments with water diluted with wine. Water contaminated with bacteria and microbes is disinfected with tannins, which are contained in dry wine;
  • Resists toxins and bacteria… Thanks to dry wine, white blood cells enter the stomach much more intensively, where they establish the first barrier to toxic substances. In addition, this drink has antibacterial properties, preventing the development of hepatitis A and the five main influenza viruses;
  • Restores salt balance… This property of dry wine is especially useful for people who travel frequently. With regular flights or transfers between countries located in different climatic zones, there is a desalination of the body. One glass of dry wine on the day of the flight and the next day after it helps to normalize the salt balance;
  • Reduces Depression… According to a study in Denmark, women who drink 1 to 2 glasses of dry red wine daily have a 50% reduction in stress levels. Men, in whom alcohol is removed from the body much faster, can also drink 2-3 glasses of dry wine daily. People who regularly and moderately consume dry wine are significantly less susceptible to heart disease;
  • Raises the level of good cholesterol… Another frequent use of dry red wine is beneficial in that it produces high density lipoproteins in the body, which, unlike low density lipoproteins, form “good” cholesterol, which helps prevent a large number of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Enhances the assimilation of useful components during meals… So, if you drink dry white wine while eating food, for example, rich in iron, this vital trace element is absorbed by the body much better;
  • Regular and moderate consumption of dry wine eliminates vitamin deficiency and strengthens the immune system, increasing the body’s resistance to infections;
  • It has a diuretic, anti-allergic, tonic and anti-stress effect on the human body;
  • Increases cravings for a healthy diet;
  • Strengthens the blood vessels of the brain;
  • Improves memory, perception and thinking in the brain.

Among other things, various dry wines are recommended for prevention and treatment:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Alzheimer’s disease.

But it should be noted that all these benefits will be significant when using real dry wine, and not cheap drinks that are sold under the guise of wine.

The harm of dry wine

Dry wine is unsafe to drink when:

  • Diabetes mellitus… There is a lot of sugar in the composition of the grapes from which wine is made;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period… After entering the body, alcohol can damage the cells of the brain and spinal cord, and these changes will be irreversible;
  • Gout or people whose body is predisposed to this disease;
  • Chronic liver and kidney disease;
  • Allergic reactions to fruits, pollen, yeast and histamines that cause itchy skin, hives, bronchospasm, sneezing and other allergy symptoms.

In addition, the harm from dry wine can be expected when drinking it excessively, like any other alcoholic beverage. Dry wine abuse leads to impaired liver and heart function, as well as mental disorders.

So, the benefit from dry high-quality wine can be obtained only with its reasonable use – no more than 1-2 glasses a day, and even then not systematically. Drink wisely!

Nutritional value and chemical composition of dry wine

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Trace Elements

Caloric content of 64 kcal

Proteins 0,2 gr

Carbohydrates 0,3 gr

Dietary Fibers 1,6 gr

Organic acids 0,6 g

Water 88,2 gr

Mono- and disaccharides 0,3 gr

Ash 0,3 gr

Alcohol 8,8 gr

Vitamin PP 0,1 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0,01 mg

Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 0,1 mg

Calcium 18 mg

Magnesium 10 mg

Sodium 10 mg

Potassium 60 mg

Phosphorus 10 mg

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