I became a home boy. It became interesting for me to settle down. In my homes there was a “own” smell. When I come to this apartment, I understand that this is my home, and not a temporary shelter. I began to cook, and I buy the food myself, walk around, scrutinizing them, where is the wormhole, where the color is stale. I try to eat only healthy food – cereals, juices, less fried, fatty. Today I cooked chicken broth. And if friends come, I can cook something special – borsch, bake meat with vegetables. I will not eat myself, I will endure it. Of course, because of the concerts I don’t always cope, I have an au pair Lida, she will feed, and will put things in order and cleanliness.
15 2014 June
Visiting Moiseev
If not for the scene, I would have faded long ago like a flower without water. The stage is my stimulus, which helps to fight loneliness. People who come to my concerts make me get out of bed and start a new day. One concert is worth hundreds of medicines, the best doctors and any therapy. When I stand in front of the hall, I clearly feel that I am living. This feeling is in full swing. For this, you can sacrifice everything and endure anything, even the most unbearable loneliness …
I love the clown that Lolita Milyavskaya gave me with the words: “Borya, this is for you. So that you always remain cheerful! ” I named him Lolik and sat him on a separate chair, let him always be in sight.
This is my favorite picture of my mom. Our resemblance is most clearly visible on it; all who see her are amazed. I always take this portrait with me on tour so that I feel calm.
Initially, I arranged the kitchen for formality, but now I cook a lot and am glad that it has everything for this. Even a hood that helps fight odors that enter the room.
There were so many photos that I had to set aside a separate table for them. Yes, and it is already small, it is necessary to find a more spacious place. Here are my portraits of different years and photos of friends. Here I keep my box with precious things for me – souvenirs from the tour, gifts, postcards, notes …
There are many shades of yellow in the interior of the apartment – this color attracts wealth. And the main pride is the antique chandelier.
I never started a family, although at one time I wanted to marry my American girlfriend (we are talking about Adele Todd. – Approx. “Antenna”). Then I pulled everything, I got used to being free, like a bird, it seemed to me that marriage would tie to one place, make me settle down, settle down. Now I am quiet, calm, but before I was a daredevil. So he pulled. Now the moment has passed. I am not what they used to see me, so I do not want to burden anyone. Although sometimes I think how great it would be if I didn’t live alone in this apartment, if there were children’s toys lying on the floor. It seems to me that I sometimes miss … a mess or something. Although in terms of layout and interior, my home is more like a place of bohemian gatherings than a family hearth.