Hospitality and sustainability

The management of resources, packaging, waste, have been an almost mandatory rule by the actors of the gastronomic world and more specifically in the hospitality industry in general.

The planet needs it and we are the people who manage the resources and processes to help conserve it, cooking more efficiently.

The practical application of sustainability in restaurants must be carried out in all areas of the value chain of the hospitality business as well as in the processes that it develops, from the employment of people to the environmental impact in the supply chain. or in the making.

Sustainability is no longer a distant goal. Society is understanding that proper resource management is the only way to conserve them

The ANTA association (Association of small and medium-sized companies for the promotion of the use of new technologies in food outside the home), has recently presented a new initiative converted into a web portal specialized in sustainability for restaurants.

In it, he responds to the growing need that hospitality companies in the country show to be able to gather in a single place the information and advice necessary to be able to obtain the accreditation of Sustainable Company.

In this field of certifications and accreditations, it is necessary to value 3 aspects or 3 Ps as development axes for any food or restaurant business:

  • Products
  • Planet 
  • Guests

The management of the resources used in the establishments for the preparation of food such as the use of ovens and cooking elements and their energy optimization in order to achieve ecological values ​​are fundamental pillars in the treatment of the product.

The planet is already prepared and you …

The faculty of gastronomic sciences of the Basque Culinary Center (BBC) has a training program to provide an overview of sustainability, within the application in restaurants.

The training initiative of the BBC is to generate a comprehensive management model within the establishment so that ecology is one more piece of culinary activity but not the only one.

The company that produces and markets horticultural products Bonduelle, has been developing sustainability plans for its supply chain for many years within the catering sector and specifically the Food Service.

In its postulates, it proposes a series of actions by professionals that must revolve around ecology, through reasonable consumption, waste separation management and minimization of the impact of kitchens and rooms.

All this is mixed with economic aspects of profitability in the medium and long term, effective management of product suppliers, and on the hiring of personnel.

Thus, the result of a sustainable vision would reach society, based on criteria of hygiene, health, safety at work, dedication times, training, etc …

All the content of this great initiative, we leave it below in a link to the publication of the French multinational that details its proposal for a healthier life.

Chefs and their contributions to sustainability

As a consequence of the great demand that consumers are beginning to request, a group of chefs led by the Chef Josean Merino, Darren Williamson and Félix Manso have developed a digital platform, in collaboration with Hermeneus, to command from a community of professionals a philosophy of fairer and more responsible consumption. 

Through the platform It is intended to invite the largest number of professionals, restaurateurs and chefs who, being linked to the Horeca channel, seek to be participants in the ecological and sustainable balance of the planet.

Fair trade and the sustainable supply chain

Distributors and marketers in the hospitality sector have also been contributing to sustainability for some time many processes that help and complement perfectly with what was previously stated by the final retailers, which are bars, cafes and restaurants in the country.

The national hospitality industry demanded operators, who seek to offer their collaborators a global, balanced offer, and with a guarantee of quality, throughout the supply chain.

In this area, the Madrid company EHOSA (The Hotel Mirror) , has developed an online marketing platform, complementary to its work of personal gastronomic advice of its commercial team displaced in the premises of its clients, so that the hotelier can manage their supplies in an efficient, comfortable and transparent way.

Their consumption, their history and above all, the latest news and negotiations with producers in the form of offers and promotions.  

La Ehosa online store Is a eCommerce reference for restaurateurs and hoteliers who want to have a professional partner and above all guarantor of sustainability in processes, products and people.

Its e-commerce is one more step in the expansion that the company has been developing for 20 years in search of collaborating with the sector to develop a way of understanding supplies closely identified with Balance, Honesty, Organization, Satisfaction and Advice .

Supporting this form of marketing and distribution of a XNUMXst century company is its digital loyalty strategy for employees and customers through general social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest y You tube, with specific content that is published daily and takes us into a digital world of gastronomic content with direct application to the restaurant in the form of a product, advice and even Recipes in a unique space of Professional Recipe Book with Click to purchase ingredients.

In short, to all this broad framework of what sustainability means, to be a sustainable restaurant you must always take into account the social nature (workers), the economic nature (close, efficient and productive suppliers), the environment (consumption and waste).

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