The year 2023 will be a time of important decisions for Taurus. Both in personal life and in work, the year can be a turning point for representatives of this earth sign. But don’t be afraid of change. Yes, Taurus will not be able to completely avoid difficulties – but there will be plenty of pleasant moments. You need to keep an eye out and take responsibility for your own destiny. What exactly is in store for Taurus in 2023 – read in our horoscope.
Horoscope for Taurus men for 2023
From the very beginning of the year, the Taurus man may face difficulties. Most likely, they will affect work and business. According to astrologer and psychologist Olga Mazur, 2023 has prepared a lot of surprises: it will look like a swing for Taurus men.
Perhaps already in January you will have to adapt to the new conditions of life, strengthen your spirit, accumulate strength and make plans with a long-term vision.
The turning point in the affairs of male Taurus will be the period of eclipses, which next year will be April 20 (solar) and May 5 (lunar). They will mark important events in partnerships. After the eclipses, the stage of fateful decisions in professional life will begin. Almost certainly, these decisions will turn the life of Taurus men for the better.
The second half of the year, according to the horoscope, will be favorable for the implementation of ideas and plans. Even the most courageous.
In autumn, you can expect changes at work. At this time, Taurus men may have difficulties and disagreements with colleagues. Success should be expected by the end of the year.
Horoscope for Taurus women for 2023
According to the horoscope compiled by Olga Mazur, the year 2023 for Taurus women portends a lot of opportunities in terms of social realization. There may be opportunities for professional growth. It is important not to miss them.
Months when you should take care of yourself and slow down are February, June, July and August.
From March 17 to April 10, the planet of love and the ruler of the sign Venus will be in the constellation Taurus. It is at this time that the attractiveness of Taurus women and their popularity among men will increase. There will be new fans.
May can be a period of relationship testing. In June, you may have to deal with issues related to home and family. From June 10 to July 10, Taurus women have an unfavorable period for buying property, moving and repairing.
Single representatives of the sign will get a chance to meet their soul mate in 2023. With a high degree of probability, this will happen in the fall or towards the end of the year. And the opportunity to get married is great.
Love horoscope for Taurus for 2023
Spring next year for Taurus is the best time for love.
Also, February, October and December will be favorable for romantic relationships. It is during these months that the main planet of love Venus will create harmony in relationships for Taurus. The end of October is likely to bring new acquaintances and stormy romances. And in December, they can develop into a serious relationship.
The karmic period for love and romance will be the end of summer – the beginning of autumn, when Venus becomes retrograde. From August 23 to September 4, she will “retreat” back, arranging checks and tests for Taurus. At this time, both men and women may experience nostalgia for old relationships. Unexpected meetings with the former, attempts to “start anew” are possible. Such is the power of Venus retrograde.
But in the summer, astrologer Olga Mazur assures, Taurus should try to escape from love thoughts and dreams. At this time, it is better to pay attention to parents, start repairs in the apartment. Summer romantic relationships can bring problems and disappointments.
Health Horoscope for Taurus for 2023
Until mid-May 2023, the influence of Jupiter will help Taurus strengthen their fortitude. Those of them who are “carrying the load” of old psychological problems will have a chance to get rid of them forever.
Taurus with chronic diseases need to be especially attentive to their health throughout the year. Exacerbations are possible. The most dangerous periods are from mid-April to early May, as well as from late October to mid-November 2023.
The stars say that from mid-June to early July, all Taurus should reduce physical activity and avoid stress. People with cardiovascular diseases should be especially careful.
It would be good to plan preventive medical examinations and trips to a sanatorium for August-September.
The stars advise Taurus to engage in physical education, yoga and meditation in 2023. It is also necessary to control nutrition and adhere to light diets. Especially in the second half of the year. Otherwise, there is a risk of gaining excess weight.
Financial horoscope for Taurus for 2023
In the second half of the year, the planet of luck Jupiter will help Taurus improve their financial condition. From May 16 until the end of the year, he will “swim” through their constellation, giving new opportunities to increase income and bring good luck.
However, periods of eclipses of the Sun and Moon can bring difficulties and provoke changes that will force Taurus to reconsider the family budget.
From April 11 to May 6, representatives of this sign may have money problems. But luck will not leave Taurus. They will almost certainly be able to find a source of additional income. New useful connections and acquaintances that fate throws up during this period will bring financial benefits.
During the period of Venus retrograde (from August 23 to September 4), Taurus should show restraint in spending and not buy anything extra.
General recommendations for Taurus for 2023
The most important topics of 2023 in the life of Taurus will be relationships, self-realization and professional activities. From the first days of January, a period of important internal changes will begin, which will last until mid-July. This is a time of increased responsibility for decisions and initiatives.
When interacting with partners and loved ones, try not to forget about yourself, do not try to solve other people’s problems to the detriment of your own interests.
In 2023, Uranus, the planet of change, remains in the constellation of Taurus. There will be many of them. Therefore, representatives of the sign need to be ready to adapt to changing conditions, show more flexibility and patience.
Expert Comments
Olga Mazur — astrologer, psychotherapist:
– To summarize, next year I would advise all Taurus to pay more attention to their loved ones, children and parents. Career, achieving financial well-being should become secondary tasks.
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