Hop seeds: planting, how to grow
Hops are a beautiful, ornamental plant with green cones and are grown in several ways. Hop seeds can be sown outdoors or germinated at home. In both cases, it will not be difficult and will not take much time.
Planting hops with seeds in open ground
Sowing of seeds is carried out in the spring, when frosts recede and warm weather sets in. The best time for this is late April or early May.
Hop seeds can be purchased at the store
Spring sowing includes the following actions:
- In the fall, find a place to grow your hops. Keep in mind that the plant loves partial shade, but it can grow in the sun, it is afraid of drafts and strong winds.
- Prepare the soil. Dig it up and add manure or complex mineral fertilizers. Hops grow well in moist, loamy soil.
- Make holes or trenches for future seeding.
- Prepare the seeds 10-14 days before sowing: after room temperature, harden them at a temperature of about 8 ° C.
- In the spring, sow seeds in prepared trenches, lightly dig in with earth and water abundantly.
This is how seeds are planted in open ground.
The gardener, following this simple algorithm, will see the first hop sprouts in 2 weeks.
How to grow hops from seed through seedlings
In order to germinate seedlings from seeds, follow the following algorithm:
- Prepare a small box or seed cup.
- Fill it with fertile soil and humus.
- Place the seeds 0,5 cm deep and cover them with soil.
- Cover the container with glass or plastic and place in a warm, bright place with a temperature of about 22 ° C.
- Water the ground periodically.
Thus, every gardener can grow seedlings from seeds.
Within 14 days, the first shoots will appear, at this time remove the film for 2-3 hours, and when leaves appear, stop covering the plant.
At the end of April, when the ground warms up well, you can transplant seedlings into open ground, for this:
- make small holes up to 50 cm deep, at a distance of 0,5 m from each other;
- place seedlings in them along with an earthen clod and sprinkle with earth;
- tamp the soil and water it abundantly;
- mulch the topsoil using hay or sawdust.
Transplanting seedlings into open soil does not take much time and effort.
As it grows, take care of the plant – water it, remove excess shoots, feed it and protect it from diseases.
Hops serve as decor for any garden, beautifully wrapping around a fence or other vertical support.