Hello, friends!
Every housewife knows that the real pleasure of cooking comes with a comfortable, well-organized workplace. And here, of course, every detail is important!
We want to introduce you to a new product from the company “PromTorg” – this is the end cutting board” Ladinets”.
Sometimes there is a lack of a wide and solid surface on which it would be convenient to roll out the dough, cut the chicken, chop the cabbage or, for example, chop the meat.
In such cases, the ideal assistant for you will be a professional cutting board “Ladinets”. It is widely used in large kitchens, as a rule, in public catering organizations, the successful size and thickness gives the board maximum stability under the chopping effects of heavy knives, and the “extended” dimensions-allowed to maximize the need for a working surface, slightly increasing the occupied area.
This is a real hit of the season, which was appreciated by the chefs of the Culinary Studio Julia Healthy Food Near Me! Working on such a board is convenient and pleasant!
“First of all, I work with meat and fish, so after using the board, I wash it with boiling water. The board is resistant to impact. It is not lint-free and easy to work with” – saysAnton Eremin.
The end cutting board “Ladinets” is made of high-quality Russian wood. First of all, it is the Vologda birch, which grows in the ecologically clean eastern regions of the Vologda region, as well as the mountain Caucasian oak and beech.
Anton notes: “Such characteristics as wood density, resistance to deformation, resistance to cutting, elasticity and make these boards indispensable in daily cooking work. Oak end boards-excellent!»
“An ordinary cutting board can hardly be called a super-modern kitchen gadget. However, the end cutting board is an innovation in both technology and design. Ladinets end boards are ideal for kitchens of any design, ” says the pastry chefEkaterina Kamai.
The end cutting board is made in a special way and differs from the usual ones in that the working surface is formed by the end surfaces of specially selected bars in color and texture, while the rest of the boards are “plast”.
Thanks to this feature of the board, you will be able to operate the knives longer without additional sharpening, since when cutting on end boards, the tip of the knife, when pressed, “pushes” the wood fibers, which, after the end of the impact, “close” to form a natural monolith of the surface.
End boards “Ladinets” are made using a special glue, which is allowed to contact with food. The surface of the board is treated with several layers of mineral edible oil and a heated mixture of edible mineral oil and beeswax.
Such boards are products made of solid wood, which means that they are very fastidious to large changes in temperature and humidity.
In order for the board to serve you faithfully for many years, it is important to follow the following recommendations:
1. place hot dishes on the board
2. wash the board with plenty of hot water
3. wash the board in the dishwasher
4. store boards near heat sources (radiators, kitchen stoves)
1. wipe the board with a damp cloth to remove dirt
2. dry at room temperature, setting it in the working position “on the legs” to create a purge under the board.
3. once every two months, rub the board with mineral edible oil (you can use vegetable oil, you can use vaseline) and once a year with a mixture of oil and beeswax.
Compliance with these simple rules guarantees you many years of pleasure from working with a comfortable natural eco-friendly device.
Try it, friends! Contact the manufacturer here.