- See full product list
- The content of histidine in dairy products and egg products:
- The content of histidine in the meat, fish and seafood:
- The content of histidine in cereals, cereal products and pulses:
- The content of histidine in nuts and seeds:
- The content of histidine in fruits, vegetables, dried fruits:
- The content of histidine in mushrooms:
These tables are adopted by the average daily demand in the histidine, equal to 1500 mg (1.5 grams). This is the average figure for the average person. The column “Percent of daily requirement” shows what percentage of 100 grams of the product satisfy the daily human need for this amino acid.
Product name | The content of histidine in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Cheese “Poshehonsky” 45% | 2500 mg | 167% |
Cheese Swiss 50% | 1520 mg | 101% |
Parmesan Cheese | 1384 mg | 92% |
Cheese Cheddar 50% | 1370 mg | 91% |
Cheese “Roquefort” 50% | 1280 mg | 85% |
Cheese (from cow’s milk) | 1220 mg | 81% |
Soybean (grain) | 1020 mg | 68% |
Chum | 900 mg | 60% |
Egg powder | 900 mg | 60% |
Salmon | 880 mg | 59% |
Mackerel | 800 mg | 53% |
Mackerel | 800 mg | 53% |
Caviar red caviar | 780 mg | 52% |
Meat (beef) | 710 mg | 47% |
Lentils (grain) | 710 mg | 47% |
Pike | 650 mg | 43% |
Peanuts | 627 mg | 42% |
Meat (pork meat) | 570 mg | 38% |
Beans (grain) | 570 mg | 38% |
Curd | 560 mg | 37% |
Meat (Turkey) | 540 mg | 36% |
Sunflower seeds (sunflower seeds) | 523 mg | 35% |
Milk powder 25% | 520 mg | 35% |
Pistachios | 503 mg | 34% |
Herring lean | 500 mg | 33% |
Meat (chicken) | 490 mg | 33% |
Almonds | 480 mg | 32% |
Meat (lamb) | 480 mg | 32% |
Sesame | 478 mg | 32% |
Meat (pork fat) | 470 mg | 31% |
Peas (shelled) | 460 mg | 31% |
Cashews | 456 mg | 30% |
Cod | 450 mg | 30% |
See full product list
Cheese 18% (bold) | 447 mg | 30% |
Meat (broiler chickens) | 440 mg | 29% |
Pollock | 400 mg | 27% |
Grouper | 400 mg | 27% |
Sudak | 400 mg | 27% |
Feta Cheese | 397 mg | 26% |
Walnut | 391 mg | 26% |
Egg yolk | 380 mg | 25% |
Pine nuts | 341 mg | 23% |
Chicken egg | 340 mg | 23% |
Squid | 320 mg | 21% |
Buckwheat (unground) | 300 mg | 20% |
Flour Wallpaper | 300 mg | 20% |
Hazelnuts | 300 mg | 20% |
Buckwheat flour | 294 mg | 20% |
Quail egg | 290 mg | 19% |
Wheat (grain, hard grade) | 280 mg | 19% |
Wheat groats | 270 mg | 18% |
Oat flakes “Hercules” | 270 mg | 18% |
Groats hulled millet (polished) | 260 mg | 17% |
Wheat (grain, soft variety) | 260 mg | 17% |
Egg protein | 250 mg | 17% |
Buckwheat (grain) | 250 mg | 17% |
Eyeglasses | 250 mg | 17% |
Barley groats | 230 mg | 15% |
Oats (grain) | 230 mg | 15% |
Acorns, dried | 224 mg | 15% |
White mushrooms | 220 mg | 15% |
Barley (grain) | 220 mg | 15% |
Semolina | 210 mg | 14% |
Pasta from flour V/s | 200 mg | 13% |
Rye flour wholemeal | 200 mg | 13% |
Rye (grain) | 200 mg | 13% |
Flour rye | 190 mg | 13% |
Rice (grain) | 190 mg | 13% |
Rice | 170 mg | 11% |
Yogurt 3,2% | 156 mg | 10% |
Pearl barley | 150 mg | 10% |
The content of histidine in dairy products and egg products:
Product name | The content of histidine in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Egg protein | 250 mg | 17% |
Cheese (from cow’s milk) | 1220 mg | 81% |
Egg yolk | 380 mg | 25% |
Yogurt 3,2% | 156 mg | 10% |
Kefir 3.2% | 78 mg | 5% |
Milk 3,5% | 76 mg | 5% |
Milk powder 25% | 520 mg | 35% |
Ice cream sundae | 64 mg | 4% |
Cream 10% | 79 mg | 5% |
Cream 20% | 68 mg | 5% |
Parmesan Cheese | 1384 mg | 92% |
Cheese “Poshehonsky” 45% | 2500 mg | 167% |
Cheese “Roquefort” 50% | 1280 mg | 85% |
Feta Cheese | 397 mg | 26% |
Cheese Cheddar 50% | 1370 mg | 91% |
Cheese Swiss 50% | 1520 mg | 101% |
Cheese 18% (bold) | 447 mg | 30% |
Curd | 560 mg | 37% |
Egg powder | 900 mg | 60% |
Chicken egg | 340 mg | 23% |
Quail egg | 290 mg | 19% |
The content of histidine in the meat, fish and seafood:
Product name | The content of histidine in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Salmon | 880 mg | 59% |
Caviar red caviar | 780 mg | 52% |
Squid | 320 mg | 21% |
Chum | 900 mg | 60% |
Pollock | 400 mg | 27% |
Meat (lamb) | 480 mg | 32% |
Meat (beef) | 710 mg | 47% |
Meat (Turkey) | 540 mg | 36% |
Meat (chicken) | 490 mg | 33% |
Meat (pork fat) | 470 mg | 31% |
Meat (pork meat) | 570 mg | 38% |
Meat (broiler chickens) | 440 mg | 29% |
Grouper | 400 mg | 27% |
Herring lean | 500 mg | 33% |
Mackerel | 800 mg | 53% |
Mackerel | 800 mg | 53% |
Sudak | 400 mg | 27% |
Cod | 450 mg | 30% |
Pike | 650 mg | 43% |
The content of histidine in cereals, cereal products and pulses:
Product name | The content of histidine in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Peas (shelled) | 460 mg | 31% |
Buckwheat (grain) | 250 mg | 17% |
Buckwheat (unground) | 300 mg | 20% |
Corn grits | 140 mg | 9% |
Semolina | 210 mg | 14% |
Eyeglasses | 250 mg | 17% |
Pearl barley | 150 mg | 10% |
Wheat groats | 270 mg | 18% |
Groats hulled millet (polished) | 260 mg | 17% |
Rice | 170 mg | 11% |
Barley groats | 230 mg | 15% |
Pasta from flour V/s | 200 mg | 13% |
Buckwheat flour | 294 mg | 20% |
Flour Wallpaper | 300 mg | 20% |
Flour rye | 190 mg | 13% |
Rye flour wholemeal | 200 mg | 13% |
Oats (grain) | 230 mg | 15% |
Wheat (grain, soft variety) | 260 mg | 17% |
Wheat (grain, hard grade) | 280 mg | 19% |
Rice (grain) | 190 mg | 13% |
Rye (grain) | 200 mg | 13% |
Soybean (grain) | 1020 mg | 68% |
Beans (grain) | 570 mg | 38% |
Oat flakes “Hercules” | 270 mg | 18% |
Lentils (grain) | 710 mg | 47% |
Barley (grain) | 220 mg | 15% |
The content of histidine in nuts and seeds:
Product name | The content of histidine in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Peanuts | 627 mg | 42% |
Walnut | 391 mg | 26% |
Acorns, dried | 224 mg | 15% |
Pine nuts | 341 mg | 23% |
Cashews | 456 mg | 30% |
Sesame | 478 mg | 32% |
Almonds | 480 mg | 32% |
Sunflower seeds (sunflower seeds) | 523 mg | 35% |
Pistachios | 503 mg | 34% |
Hazelnuts | 300 mg | 20% |
The content of histidine in fruits, vegetables, dried fruits:
Product name | The content of histidine in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Apricot | 13 mg | 1% |
Basil (green) | 51 mg | 3% |
Eggplant | 27 mg | 2% |
Banana | 64 mg | 4% |
Rutabaga | 30 mg | 2% |
Cabbage | 28 mg | 2% |
Cauliflower | 59 mg | 4% |
Potatoes | 30 mg | 2% |
Onion | 14 mg | 1% |
Carrots | 40 mg | 3% |
Cucumber | 10 mg | 1% |
Sweet pepper (Bulgarian) | 16 mg | 1% |
The content of histidine in mushrooms:
Product name | The content of histidine in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Oyster mushrooms | 70 mg | 5% |
White mushrooms | 220 mg | 15% |
Shiitake mushrooms | 56 mg | 4% |