An au pair: what is it? Starting at what age ?
With an au pair who came to live with you on purpose to take care of the children, no more childcare problems when the appointed babysitter cancels at the last moment … But not everyone can do this job. To apply, the foreign au pair – who can also be a young man – must have between 18 and 26 years and take French courses in the host country.
Where to find an au pair? How to hire him?
In addition to employment agencies, word of mouth and classified ads can be effective, but make the girl’s guarantees uncertain …
Regardless of the means used, you must withdraw a au pair placement agreement application file with the Departmental Directorate of Labor. Once completed, signed and accompanied by proof of registration in French courses, you have eight days to declare the au pair to URSSAF and to the primary health insurance fund.
Price: how much does an au pair cost? What salary?
By becoming a “foreign homemaker intern”, she signs a contract with the family. The latter mentions the number of hours worked per week (30h), to which are added two optional evenings of babysitting, minimum pocket money (between 65 and 100 euros per week.) and housing, namely, a single bedroom.
Be careful not to confuse an au pair and a handyman … Although extensive, her mission remains limited. In addition to taking care of the children, the student can tidy their room, vacuum it or cook for them. But there is no question of arming it with a feather duster, a sponge and a broom to clean the fridge, do the windows or polish the silverware! Two-thirds of his working time must be devoted to children, the rest to the daily cleaning.
Welcoming an au pair: a rewarding experience
Au pair in France: testimonials
So that everything goes well, reception conditions matter a lot, specifies Bénédicte B. With us, the young girl has her own bedroom (which is compulsory) and shares the bathroom with the children. Each thus has its own vital space. Between family moments, those devoted to studies and going out with friends, it is very important that the au pair gradually acquires her independence. Knowing that she is integrated into the family for a year, you must also know how to listen to her during blues, especially due to homesickness! ”
“Employing an au pair means accepting to live every day with someone from outside the family. Once in everyday life, the student becomes part of the household, she adopts our habits and almost takes the place of a big sister for the children ”says Marie-Laure L. (Paris), mother of two children, aged 4 and 6 years old and who has been welcoming an au pair for 15 months.
Bénédicte B. (Tours) is welcoming a Chinese au pair this year. The year before, it was a German:
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