Hiccups in a newborn: how to get rid of? Video
Newborn babies often hiccup for various reasons that are invisible to the eyes of their parents. In most cases, eliminating them can help the baby get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.
Hiccups in a newborn: how to help a child with hiccups
Causes of hiccups in an infant
Some babies are worried about hiccups more often, others less often. For some, the attacks of hiccups are short-lived and go away on their own, in other cases they can drag on for up to half an hour, which is also the norm.
Doctors say the main cause of hiccups in a child is a poorly formed connection between the brain and diaphragm.
The onset of attacks of hiccups is possible when air is swallowed during feeding. Most likely, the reason lies precisely in this, if the baby often spits up, cries due to bloating.
Hiccups may occur with hypothermia.
Frequent and prolonged hiccups can be a symptom of the disease, although this phenomenon is rare.
If all the causes of hiccups have been eliminated, and the attacks continue, you should definitely seek the advice of a pediatrician or neurologist.
How to help a newborn baby get rid of hiccups
If the infant’s hiccups are caused by overeating, do not overfeed. When the first signs of satiety appear (the baby begins to be distracted, play with a nipple or bottle), you must stop feeding.
To get rid of the excess air that has got into the stomach of the child due to greedy sucking, you need to hold it in an upright position, pressing it with your tummy. After the air is released, the hiccups should stop (or not start).
When bottle feeding, you should pay attention to the rate at which food is delivered to your baby. If the mixture flows too quickly, changing the nipple or replacing the bottle with an anti-colic bottle will help to cope with frequent hiccups.
When breastfeeding, the infant may not properly latch on the nipple.
A change in feeding position or the use of special pads on the chest can help solve the problem of hiccups.
If the child’s hiccups are not associated with food intake, you should give him a drink of water or briefly attach to the breast. After a few sips, the baby should stop hiccuping.
When the hiccup of a newborn is associated with hypothermia, it is necessary to warm his legs. You can put on warm socks, take them on the arms and press them to your chest. After rewarming, the hiccups should subside.
In most cases, hiccups in babies are normal and can be easily eliminated. Typically, seizures become more rare and less prolonged with age. If, when using the described methods, the hiccups do not stop, only time can help the baby.
It is also interesting to read: children’s kefir for complementary foods.