Herpes labialis – Complementary approaches
melissa |
lysine |
Association of extracts of rhubarb and sage, zinc |
Dietary recommendations (diet rich in lysine, organic foods), Chinese pharmacopoeia, ether solution |
melissa (Melissa officinalis). In vitro tests10 indicate that lemon balm inhibits the herpes simplex virus. A few clinical studies without a placebo group have shown that the topical application of an ointment or cream based on lemon balm can halve how long your cold sore symptoms last11. The results of a double-blind placebo-controlled trial carried out in 1999 and involving 116 subjects point in the same direction. They suggest that treatment may also decrease seizure recurrence12. ESCOP recognizes the external use of lemon balm to treat this condition. Lemon balm is also believed to have astringent properties.
As soon as the first symptoms, apply a cream or a lotion containing 1% lyophilized aqueous extract (70: 1), 2 to 4 times day until the lesions disappear.
Herpes labialis – Complementary approaches: understand everything in 2 min
lysine. Lysine is a amino acid, one of the elements that form the protein. According to the results of clinical trials, lysine, taken for prevention, may contribute to decrease recurrence and the severity of cold sore attacks and accelerate healing in some subjects4-9 . In 1983, a survey of 1 people with herpes also gave positive results: participants took 543 g of lysine per day on average for 1 months. These latter data being subjective, they do not constitute clinical proof, but they point in the direction of a possible effectiveness of lysine8. However, no recent clinical study has validated these observations. See Dietary Recommendations below for an explanation of how lysine works.
Take from 1 g to 3 g of lysine per day.
Blend of rhubarb and sage extracts (Salvia officinalis). A clinical trial carried out in 2001 and involving 149 subjects indicated that an ointment containing a mixture of extracts of sage (23 mg / g) and rhubarb (23 mg / g) was shown to be as effective as an ointment with acyclovir base (50 mg / g), a classic antiviral drug, to heal cold sore lesions14. Healing took an average of 6,7 days with the herbal medicine and 6,5 days with acyclovir.
Zinc. Preliminary test results indicate that, when used topically from the first symptoms, a lotion or gel containing zinc (0,25% to 0,3% sulfate or zinc oxide) may accelerate the healing of herpes outbreaks lip15,16.
Food recommendations. A diet rich in lysine could help reduce the frequency of herpes outbreaks (genital and labial), according to American naturopath JE Pizzorno17. According to laboratory data and a few studies in people with herpes (but only cold sores), lysine, an amino acid, is thought to have a antiviral activity (see the Lysine sheet). Lysine is thought to work by inhibiting the metabolism of arginine, another amino acid which is important for virus multiplication. Lysine is considered a essential nutrientbecause the body cannot manufacture it and must draw it from food.
Sources de lysine. All foods that contain protein are sources of both lysine and arginine. It is therefore necessary to look for foods with a high lysine / arginine ratio. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products are very rich in lysine. It is also found in good amounts in some cereals (corn and wheat germ, in particular) and legumes. Brewer’s yeast and sauerkraut are also good sources.
To avoid. foods high in arginine and low in lysine, such as chocolate, nuts and seeds, so as not to weaken the beneficial effect of lysine.
Taken as suppléments, lysine would help prevent recurrences of cold sores and accelerate healing.
In addition, a diet composed oforganic food could help prevent herpes attacks and facilitate their treatment by strengthening the immune system18.
Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Some preparations from the Chinese pharmacopoeia are used against cold sores at the time of an outbreak. See the sheets Long Dan Xie Gan Wan et Shuang Liao Hou Feng San.
Ether. To accelerate healing, Dr Andrew Weil suggests placing a drop of ether solution (diethyl ether) on the lesion19. Check with your pharmacist.