Help products for oily skin

Oily skin requires special care – both external and internal. When choosing products for your face, do not forget to eat right. These products can help reduce oiliness, remove shine, tighten pores, and soothe irritation. 


Pomegranate is a source of antioxidants that will help cleanse the body and protect it from free radicals. For owners of oily skin, it is imperative to consume 1 pomegranate per day. Pomegranate also improves immunity, has a positive effect on the liver, stomach, improves mood and tidies up the skin.


To solve the problem of oily skin, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water with lemon daily on an empty stomach – this will improve digestion and help start the necessary processes in the body for the work of all systems, including the moderate work of the sebaceous glands. For owners of oily skin, the drinking regimen is especially important – this will improve metabolism and help to remove toxins from the body in a timely manner.


Chicken breast

White chicken meat is a source of protein, vitamins, various elements, while practically does not contain fat. Vitamin B, which is part of chicken breast, reduces the oily skin.


Despite its fat content, fish will not cause deterioration of the skin condition. Conversely, the beneficial omega-3 fats found in fish, as well as zinc, will reduce skin rashes and shine. When cooking fish, avoid adding other oils, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

Potato broth

Both the potato itself and its broth have a beneficial effect on the condition of oily skin. If you consume a glass of broth every day for a month, you will see amazing results. Yes, the drink is not for everybody, but the result is worth it: blood pressure will normalize, the digestive system will improve and obsessive acne will go away.

In addition to the right foods, remove flour and fatty foods from the diet, as they provoke increased work of the sebaceous glands.

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