Heart disease symptoms


Heart diseases are an epidemic of the 20th century, because according to the World Health Organization, they account for 85% of total mortality, and in order to prevent an increase in statistics, you need to see a doctor at an early stage.

To prevent this type of disease from being caught by surprise and aggravating the situation, you need to know the main symptoms that are familiar to everyone, but no one pays attention to them.

The main symptom that signals heart disease is pain and discomfort in the chest area.

If it manifests itself as an acute burning sensation during physical exertion and stress, then your heart lacks nutrition, which occurs as a result of spasms of the coronary vessels. This type of heart disease is called angina pectoris, and there are two types: rest and tension. During sleep or rest, an attack may occur, there will be a feeling of shortness of breath. Attacks can occur with the same cyclicity, in this case the load is constantly the same and unstable, which is much more dangerous, because as a result of their impact, coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction can develop.

Myocardial infarction is characterized by prolonged chest pain, radiating to the spine and arm. The most common cause of this disease is atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels, which leads to a decrease in pressure.


If the chest pain is dull in nature, does not spread to other parts of the body, but the temperature rises, this is an inflammation of the heart bag.

A dull pain in the region of the heart of short-term exposure, which occurs without any effects, signals a neurosis of the heart. This heart disease occurs due to the nervousness of the realities of life, and the painful sensations last up to several days, if you do not calm down and forget the cause of the disorder. A neglected heart neurosis can lead to angina pectoris.

An increase in the work of the heart can occur not only due to its disease, but also in the case of emotional and physical stress. If everything happens at rest, then these are harbingers of tachycardia, because a change in rhythm occurs at the very beginning of the disease.

The beginning and end of the attack are felt distinctly and can last for several days, accompanied by sweating and a slight increase in temperature, as well as exacerbation of heart disease, if any.

Shortness of breath manifests itself at an early stage and signals heart failure, as well as poor blood circulation in the small circle. At the initial stage, shortness of breath is mild, almost imperceptible. With an advanced disease, it also occurs at rest. You also need to learn to distinguish shortness of breath, which occurs in the case of pulmonary and mental illness, from heart disease.

Pallor of the skin manifests itself with anemia and vasospasm, and cyanosis of the lips, cheeks and limbs with advanced heart failure. Swelling is formed as a result of increased capillary pressure.

Severe and frequent headaches indicate impaired blood circulation in the brain. Infectious heart diseases are signaled by profuse sticky sweat and fever.

Any of the above symptoms speaks of heart problems, and only a doctor can correctly diagnose the disease, so at the first signs you need to see a doctor, which will extend your life for several happy years.

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