Proper metabolism, working like a clock, is the key to good health and health of the entire body. If nature has not rewarded you with this important quality, it does not matter. The situation will help to correct the products that stimulate the metabolism. Which ones, you will learn from our rating.
The source of life
Oddly enough, but the first and most important product for maintaining a full — fledged metabolism is water. It is with its help that vital substances are delivered to all tissues. We are talking about filtered still water without any additives. Make a habit of a simple rule: drink a glass of food on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals and an hour and a half after. Remember: in winter, the daily volume of water should be about 2 liters.
Noble meat
When asked what foods speed up the metabolism, many nutritionists unanimously answer: white meat. First of all, these are chicken and turkey fillets, some parts of rabbit, veal and young beef. They contain a lot of saturated animal protein, for the digestion of which the body has to use additional metabolic resources. But the fat content in these products is minimal, which significantly facilitates the metabolism.
Despite the fact that sea fish is rich in saturated fats, it affects the metabolism in the most favorable way. Its regular consumption increases the level of the hormone that spurs the metabolism. The same function is partially taken over by the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, they prevent harmful fats from accumulating in the cells. And yet, you should not get carried away with sea fish. Include it in the diet no more than three times a week.
Secret element
Foods high in calcium also benefit the metabolism. The fact is that this mineral not only nourishes bone and muscle tissue, but also helps the digestive system to cope with work more productively. To feel this effect, doctors advise to lean on cottage cheese, kefir, low-fat cheeses, nuts, beans and cereals. The last two products, among other things, are rich in valuable dietary fiber, which does not allow overeating.
Heroic porridge
Among the products that improve the metabolism, oatmeal belongs. The main thing is that it should be whole flakes with minimal heat treatment. They contain a huge supply of slow carbohydrates, forcing the metabolism to work at full capacity. In addition, they supply the body with a large amount of energy and for a long time drown out the feeling of hunger. And to keep the oatmeal from getting tired, add fresh and dried fruits, berries and nuts to it.
Use with a crunch
Celery is famous for a lot of valuable properties, including the ability to improve metabolism. It is already good because the body spends much more calories on its processing than it receives in return. All this is due to the solid reserves of fiber, which increases the efficiency of metabolism by an average of 20-30 %. In addition, celery is one of the best detox products that help the body get rid of the ballast of harmful substances.
The Root of Health
An excellent product that increases the body’s metabolism is ginger root. Its secret lies in the essential oils that stimulate the production of gastric juice and blood supply to the mucous membrane in the digestive system. This allows you to properly accelerate the metabolism. And ginger is one of the most powerful fat burners. This spice can be safely added to soups, side dishes, salads, meat and fish dishes, fruit desserts and smoothies.
Citrus Joy
Among fruits, citrus fruits bring the most tangible benefits to the metabolism. And the palm belongs to the grapefruit. It contains a special antioxidant that stimulates metabolism at the cellular level and breaks down deep fat deposits. In addition, this substance allows you to stabilize the level of sugar in the blood, which unquestioningly obeys the appetite. By the way, vitamin C also plays an important role in metabolic processes.
Paradise Fruit
Apples, which have been with us throughout the winter — are important allies of the metabolism. The abundance of dietary fiber and pectin improves intestinal peristalsis and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. In addition, pectin, like a sponge, absorbs the toxins that settle in the body and painlessly removes them. And fresh apples are an effective remedy for stomach upset. To maintain a normal metabolism, you should eat 2-3 apples a day.
Elixir of cheerfulness
Good news for all coffee lovers: the caffeine contained in it increases the production of special antioxidants in the body, without which a full-fledged metabolism is impossible. Some studies show that this drink helps to burn up to 100 extra calories a day. Just one cup of coffee can boost your metabolism by 3-4%. Only it must be natural, freshly brewed, without sugar, cream and other additives.
Even if you do not experience problems with your metabolism, a little prevention will never hurt, especially since no one is immune from sudden failures. Include the products from our rating in your daily diet, and the body will be very grateful to you.