Hateful dozen: the foods that we didn’t love in childhood

Taste preferences over time vary greatly. Comes the understanding that the dishes are nutritious and healthy. And previous deficit did not allow us to indulge in broccoli or olives. What are the dishes that we strongly disliked in childhood but happy to eat now?


At the mere mention of broccoli, even some adults driving cheekbones, not that of children. Its specific taste and aroma at first rejects, but eventually ceases to be disgusting. Today, broccoli is one of the basics of good nutrition, excellent B vitamins and potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, and iron. Broccoli helps to improve the digestive tract’s work, helps remove toxins from the body, and is a powerful antioxidant.


Hateful dozen: the foods that we didn’t love in childhood

The spinach in the stuffing and mashed potatoes was also puzzled – how can this have? Today, with the correct preparation and mastery of disguise, spinach is increasingly preferable to adherents of proper nutrition. It stimulates the pancreas and intestines, cleanses, and is perfectly absorbed by the body.


Even though it’s a citrus fruit, to eat a bitter, sour grapefruit in childhood seemed to be something impossible. Today it is a must-have for everyone who wants to lose weight. Grapefruit is a source of vitamin C, and hence the best remedy for lifting immunity. This fruit also accelerates the fat loss process and is included in most diets for weight loss.


Somehow, most children don’t like tomatoes and reject even tomato paste or juice. On the contrary, adults look forward to tomato season to replenish the body with vitamins and minerals that are good for metabolism, heart function, and vascular health. They also reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and stimulate the bowels and kidneys.

Brussels sprouts

Hateful dozen: the foods that we didn’t love in childhood

Despite its attractive appearance, Brussels sprouts have an exceptional aroma and taste that deters children and boiled carrots. Thanks to the use of the product by adults keen to introduce it in your diet. Brussels sprouts are a valuable source of protein and very low calorie.


The worst children’s sleep – boiled the carrots in the soup or pilaf. But as adults, we have a new appreciation for composition and the use of this vegetable. It contains lots of beta-carotene, which accelerates the growth of benefits to the skin, hair, and nails. And it is not necessary for this cooking – much healthier to eat carrots raw.


Adults wonder how you can avoid these foods, trying to feed their children. However, the piquancy of taste and really can only estimate adult. Olives are the source of many vitamins, minerals, proteins, pectins, useful sugars, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They strengthen the heart lungs, improve immunity, and improve digestion.

Whole wheat bread

Hateful dozen: the foods that we didn’t love in childhood

Children prefer sweet pastries made from wheat flour, but to keep the child whole-grain bread is almost impossible. From the position of the adult is the most nutritious and healthy product among baked goods. It helps to ensure digestion, rids the body of radioactive substances and salts of heavy metals.

Bitter chocolate

Of course, we did not refuse chocolate as a child, but we definitely prefer a sweet or milk chocolate bar. Properly adults prefer dark chocolate, which improves memory, affects mental activity, improves mood, and strengthens blood vessels. Its delicate taste also only appreciate with age – children this kind of chocolate is unpleasant.

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