The different types of happiness
Author Catherine Parat lists several types of happiness, in particular child happiness and adult happiness. It also distinguishes between moments of happiness periods of happiness.
Moments of happiness. They are often brief, limited in time and occur in a more or less violent way. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, insists both on the sudden side of the satisfaction obtained and says ” a feeling of completeness which tends to diminish the importance of the elements of the surrounding reality », Leading to the production of a feeling of omnipotence, of narcissistic triumph.
The periods of happiness. They can extend over much longer slices of life, against a happy background, with oscillations of varying intensity, possibly interspersed with periods of “unhappiness”. For Christine Parat, the particularity of this form of happiness is that it “ is built with the help of a relation with a particular object specifically invested […] and that the subject is in a state of more or less strong dependence on this object ».
The art of being happy
For Robert Blondin, we should not listen to those who claim to have a miracle recipe to achieve happiness. Happiness, there must be to work, to appropriate it, to build it. For years, Robert Blondin has tried to identify the mechanisms of happiness in humans by meeting thousands of people who claim to be happy. For him, there is no doubt: happiness is the fruit of the decision to be happy here and now, and not of external circumstances, however wonderful they may be.
However, it seems that the happy people that Robert Blondin meets still have some important ingredients:
- Affirm “choose to be happy”
- Be open to change
- Harmonize intuition and reason
- Live here and now
- Leave the ego aside
- Act rather than react
- Let go
Do you have to satisfy all your desires, your desires, your dreams to be happy? The answer is no. These “accomplishments” undoubtedly provide great joys, no doubt even “moments of happiness”, but without bringing happiness for all that. On the other hand, it seems that the state of happiness greatly promotes the fulfillment of these desires and cravings. Happiness encourages you to be active, to improve your life around you and not to withdraw.
In his About happiness, the philosopher Alain declares: ” Children should be well taught the art of being happy. Not the art of being happy when misfortune falls on your head […]; but the art of being happy when the circumstances are fair and all the bitterness of life is reduced to small troubles and small discomforts ».
Relationship between happiness and money
Until the early 70s, all economists accepted the theory that there was a positive relationship between income and level of happiness. In 1974, however, demographer Richard Easterlin showed that although within the same country the rich claim to be happier than the poor, there is no no significant relationship between a quantity such as income per capita and reported average happiness level. We speak of the “Easterlin paradox”. Other studies have shown that money can positively affect happiness, but not beyond a certain amount.
The importance of relationships
Living happy is above all focus on social relationships. People who are more socially connected to their family, friends, community, are happier, are physically healthier, and live longer than those who are less well connected. In 2008, the INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) also affirmed in a report that the life of a couple positively influenced well-being throughout life.
But beware: it is not enough to be surrounded to be happy, it is also necessary to be good people. ” It’s not just the number of friends you have, whether or not you are in a relationship, but it’s the quality of your close relationships that matters. »Summarizes Robert Waldinger, a psychiatrist American specialist in happiness.
Happiness quotes
« We should try to be happy, if only to set an example. » Jacques Prévert
« On the blackboard of misfortune
He draws the face of happiness. »
J. Prévert, “The dunce”
« There is no time – however short life is – for bickering, apologies, animosity and settling scores. We only have time to love and a moment, so to speak, to do so. » Mark Twain
« As long as you live, why not be happy? » Anonymous.