Curettage: what is curettage after miscarriage?

Curettage: what is curettage after miscarriage?

When a pregnancy ends, whether after a miscarriage or a medical abortion, the uterus normally expels the entire embryo. When this is not the case, doctors can resort to curettage. What you should know about this surgical technique, also used to perform a surgical abortion.

Definition of curettage

The term curettage designates the surgical act of removing, using an instrument called a curette, all or part of an organ from a natural cavity. This gesture has long been used in gynecology and obstetrics to perform voluntary terminations of pregnancy and to remove any fragments of embryonic tissue that have remained attached to the uterine wall after a miscarriage.

Painful and a source of complications, traditional curettage is nowadays replaced more and more often in most Western countries by another less traumatic technique for the uterine wall, aspiration. But its historical name has stuck.

When to have curettage?

After a miscarriage

When a miscarriage occurs early in pregnancy, the embryo detaches from the uterine wall and is normally expelled naturally. But there may still be organic tissue in the uterus, most often debris from the placenta. If they do not end up eliminating themselves, they must intervene medically or surgically (curettage) to avoid any risk of complication (infection, hemorrhage, infertility). Curettage is immediately necessary in cases of hemorrhagic miscarriage and late miscarriage.

After a voluntary termination of pregnancy medicated

During a voluntary termination of pregnancy by medication, the successive intake of mifepristone and then of misoprostol is usually sufficient to terminate the pregnancy and to expel the entire embryo. When this is not the case, the doctor is sometimes obliged to carry out a curettage.

During a voluntary surgical termination of pregnancy

As part of a surgical abortion, the doctor performs a curettage, that is to say, the aspiration of the embryo to terminate the pregnancy.

How is curettage performed?

Curettage is performed in the operating room, under local or general anesthesia. After the administration of a product intended to dilate the cervix, the doctor inserts a cannula into the uterus, that is to say a tube with a diameter of 6-10 millimeters for sucking either the entire embryo or the organic debris remaining after its expulsion. The operation does not last more than thirty minutes and usually only requires a day of hospitalization. The pain that may occur in the hours and days that follow respond well to the usual analgesic treatments.

What precautions after curettage?

Baths and sexual intercourse are prohibited for a fortnight. The work stoppage is not systematic but a few days may nevertheless be necessary to live after miscarriage and after abortion.

Risks of curettage

Aspiration, the current form of curettage, presents much less risk of postoperative complications than its traditional form. Heavy bleeding, severe pain and / or fever, however, require medical advice as they may be a sign of a complication.

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  1. سلامونه میرمنی می دری میاشتی مخکې جین
    سقط کړی داکتر ته می بوتله ترڅو دفع یا هغه خارج شی هغه ورته څلور ګولی سهار بیا څلور غرمه ورکړی خو هغه خارج نشو او صغایی ونشوه اوس د ملا او ګیډی دردونه لری او ورته وویل راتلونکی هفته کی راشه اوس نه پوهیږم څه وکړم

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