Hair tongs: how to choose? Video
In order for beautifully styled hair to arouse admiration and envy among passers-by, women resort to various means, among which hair tongs occupy a special place. After all, the right tools will ensure flawless styling and will not ruin your hair.
How to choose a hair tong
All models of forceps can be divided into professional and household. The former are distinguished by greater power, long service life. However, they have one drawback: large dimensions and weight. Home tools are slower to reach operating temperature, but are much more comfortable to work with and do not take up much space.
Also, all hair tongs can be divided according to function. For example, there are models for curling. Thanks to them, almost every girl can make herself charming curls. There are straightening tongs.
With this tool, wavy and curly hair will magically become smooth and, thus, the task of creating a stylish hairstyle will be solved
Textured pliers are a great find for fashionistas and partygoers. After all, they help to create various patterns on the hair: hearts, stars, etc.
In addition, corrugated tongs can often be found on store shelves. With their help, girls with straight hair can quickly make themselves wavy curls.
Today, many manufacturers have begun to produce curling iron models that combine several functions: curling, straightening, crimping. All effects are achieved thanks to a set of additional attachments that come with the instrument.
How to choose the right hair tong
To keep your curls beautiful and healthy, be sure to consider your hair type when choosing a curling iron. So, for example, for owners of long curls with a thick structure, tools with a wide plate would be an ideal solution. But for girls with short hair and thin hair, it is better to take a closer look at the tongs with a smaller working surface. This will not only affect the comfort of straightening or curling, but will also minimize the degree of damage to your hair.
The next thing to look out for is the temperature setting (temperature controller)
Today, many manufacturers have increased the degree of heating to 220-230 degrees Celsius, which may not affect the structure of the hair. Choose models that have a digital display, then you can find the optimal temperature for you.
An important role in maintaining the health of hair is played by the material from which the work surface is made. For example, ceramics, unlike metal, heats up evenly, keeps the temperature stably, so that the hair does not overheat. Tourmaline is considered a natural conditioner, silver particles on the work surface have a positive effect on hair, etc.
Take a closer look at the tongs with a water reservoir. They heat hair with steam and rarely dry hair.
Of course, you want your hair tongs to be of high quality and last a long time. Therefore, you can give preference to a well-known brand (Philips, Babyliss, Bosch, Parlux, etc.), but it is better if there is an opportunity to borrow this tool from friends or relatives and try it in practice. After all, only individually selected tongs will help preserve the natural beauty of your hair and guarantee a flawless result with every styling.
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