Guided Meditation How to Visualize the Future in a Positive and Constructive Way
The psychologist and mindfulness expert, Belén Colomina, invites you to carry out through this guided meditation an exercise in positive visualization about what the future holds

Be constructive y positives It is important both for our present as for our future. This is because our thinking y emotions they have a lot of weight in our way of living, of relating to us and in our degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with life.
Emotions largely direct our course, setting the direction and mood with which we walk. Taking care of them is essential to take a course aware. This will allow us to be constructive with our actions and positive in our thoughts, and vice versa. Without realizing it, we feed back in one direction or another.
In the meditation this week, we invite you to be positive to constructively visualize your future because if you speak well to yourself, if you think well, you will feel good and treat yourself and others well, in a respectful, kind and constructive way.
Happy meditation.