Guided meditation How to train the balance of the mind with relaxation in eight minutes

The psychologist and mindfulness expert, Belén Colomina, proposes in this meditation session the tools to connect with the present and take the helm of our lives

Guided meditation How to train the balance of the mind with relaxation in eight minutesPM7:31

Life is made of small moments that we are to treasure and live fully. Moments that do not return and that only in the present we can inhabit. Thus, when our mind and heart are very agitated, a feeling of not being the owner of the present can become. A feeling that life passes without your participation. Thus, recover the responsibility of take the helm, it completely changes the color of our days. Feeling that, despite the circumstances, we choose how to feel about them, we choose our attitude to navigate them.

One of the most effective keys for this is to train our mind to regain balance attention and emotional loss. This training will allow you to navigate with a firm course and in the direction you choose.

And do not forget that this balance is a careful and fragile quality that we must cultivate at every moment, it is not a destination but a constant training of attention and focus.

To do this, in this week’s meditation, we suggest you cultivate it by returning again and again to contact with your breathing, inhabited a present in balance.

Happy meditation

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