Guided meditation How to move forward without fear in times of coronavirus

Guided meditation How to move forward without fear in times of coronavirus

The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, proposes in this guided meditation that we learn to connect with our resources and capacities so as not to let ourselves be blocked by fear

Guided meditation How to move forward without fear in times of coronavirusPM7:26

El fear it’s a emotion that can sometimes capture all of our attention, blocking us. Sometimes, it takes up so much space that it does not allow us to connect with our resources, potentialities or qualities.

However, we can learn to observe them as simple mental events that can even fade away. We can learn not to let ourselves be captured by them but to allow them to pass through our mind to choose, at every moment, where to place our attention. Thus, putting the focus on our resources, on our qualities and potentialities will allow you to create the internal inertia that will make your changes possible.

That is why, in the meditation This week, we train our mind not to let ourselves be kidnapped by them, not to give them so much space or prominence to be able to make them smaller and smaller. This will allow you to leave more space for your resources, potentialities and to create together with them, your dreams.

Happy meditation.

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