

Ital. Grappa – grape pomace is an alcoholic beverage produced by grape pomace’s distillation.

The drink belongs to a class of brandy and has the strength of about 40-50. By the international decree of 1997, Grappa can only take the drinks produced in the Italian territory and Italian raw materials. Also, this decree strictly controls beverage quality and standards of manufacture.

In wine production, there still are a large number of the fermented pulp of the grape skins, seeds, and twigs. The entire mass is distilled by distillation for disposal of these wastes, and the result is a powerful drink Grappa.

The exact time, place, and history of the origin of the drink are unknown. Since the manufacture of the prototype of the modern beverage has been more than 1500 years. But the Italians prefer to call the birthplace of the drink a small town of Bassano del Grappa at the eponymous mount Grappa. Initially, this drink was very rough and tough. People drank it in one gulp without any savoring of clay bowls. Over time, the taste of Grappa has transformed and became an elite drink. The most popular drink has won in 60-70 years of 20 century in connection with the growing global popularity of Italian cuisine.

The quality of Grappa depends entirely on the feedstock. The best drink manufacturers obtain from the distillation residue of grapes used for making wine or pomace of white grapes right after pressing the juice. Raw material undergoes fermentation and goes to distillation.

grappa varieties

Types of Grappa

Distillation can take place in two ways: in a copper alembic column or continuous distillation. The output is a ready-made drink, either immediately bottled or left to age in oak and cherry barrels. Wooden barrels over time give the Grappa an amber hue and a distinctive taste of tannins.

There are several types of Grappa:

  • blanka – fresh. Transparent color immediately bottled for further selling. It has a sharp taste, low price, and great popularity in Italy.
  • аffinata in legno. Aged in barrels for six months, it has a milder flavor than вlanka and a light golden hue.
  • vecchia. Aged in barrels for one year.
  • stravecchia grappa. Has a strength of about 50 vol., a rich Golden color. They age it for six years in oak barrels.
  • monovitigno. Made of 85% of a certain grape varieties (Teroldego, Nebbiolo, Ribolla, Torcolato, Cabernet, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, etc.).
  • polivitigno. Includes more than two grapes.
  • аromatica. Created by the distillation of the fragrant grape varieties of PROSECCO or Muscato.
  • аromatizzata. Drink of grape spirits infused with fruits, berries, and spices such as anise, cinnamon, juniper, almonds, etc.
  • uve. Distinctive strength and pure wine aroma. Made from whole grapes.
  • soft grappa – not more than 30 vol.

Blanka is best chilled to 8°C. The rest are to be consumed at room temperature. People often add Grappa to coffee or drink pure with lemon.


The most well-known brands of Grappa are: Bric de Gaian, Ventani, Tre Soli Tre Fassati Vino Nobile di Montepulciano.

Grappa Benefits

Due to the high strength of the Grappa, it is popular as a disinfectant for wounds, bruises, and abrasions.

This same property allows you to do with Grappa a variety of medicinal tinctures.

So with great excitement of the nervous system and insomnia, use the tincture of hops on the Grappa. For this, you should crush the hop cones (2 tbsp) and pour the Grappa (200 ml.). The mixture should infuse for 10 days. The resulting liquid you should drink twice a day for 10-15 drops.

Reduce headaches and migraines can help orange liqueur. Chopped oranges (500 g), grated on a fine grater horseradish (100 g), sugar (1 kg), and pour a liter of Grappa with water (50/50). Boil this mixture to dissolve the sugar in a water bath with the lid closed for one hour. Cooled and strained infusion take in the volume of 1/3 Cup 1 time a day two hours after eating.

Grappa is widely popular in traditional Italian dishes. It is good for the Flambeau of meat, shrimp, as part of marinades for meat and fish, and the basis for cocktails and desserts.


Harm Grappa and contraindications

Grappa should not be drunk by people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Also, do not neglect the doctor’s warnings about the dangers of consuming strong alcoholic beverages such as Grappa for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and underaged children.

How It's Made: Grappa

Useful and dangerous properties of other beverages:

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