
General description of the disease

This is a pathology that affects not only soft tissues, but also mucous membranes, bones, teeth, internal organs and vascular walls. Granulomatous inflammation is not a separate disease, as a rule, it is a companion of a large number of infectious and chronic diseases.

Granuloma is characterized by the formation of small nodules that form as a result of the proliferation of connective tissue cells [3]… Papules can vary in structure, shape, and color.

Granuloma classification

  • unknown etiology;
  • infectious;
  • non-infectious;
  • venereal;
  • dental;
  • tuberculous;
  • scleroma;
  • leprosy;
  • postoperative;
  • mixed granulomas.

Causes of granulomas

Granulomatous inflammation can provoke a number of diseases: rabies, encephalitis, rheumatism, and others. Often viruses, fungi and granulomatous infections serve as a stimulus for the formation of inflamed papules.

Non-infectious granulomas are companions of occupational dust diseases. Granulomatous inflammation can appear around foreign bodies.

Periodontitis or complications of pulpitis can be the cause of the appearance of tooth granulomas. Also, the development of dental granulomas can provoke tooth injuries and non-observance of the rules of asepsis during the treatment of dental canals. In addition, dental granuloma can cause banal hypothermia, stress, colds or climate change.

Granuloma venereum is transmitted exclusively through sexual contact.

Granuloma symptoms

Granulomatous inflammation can look different, the symptoms depend on the origin of the granuloma:

  • pyogenic… This disease is provoked by skin injuries. If there is a pyococcal infection in the body, then the papule is located on the face, feet or hands. Smooth or coarse-grained granuloma is bright red in color and can reach 3 cm;
  • annular… This is a chronic form of granuloma, which looks like small, nodular, ring-shaped rashes. It occurs due to mechanical damage to the skin, and can also be the result of a violation of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • tuberculous… In the center of the tuberculous papule, the focus of necrosis is concentrated, which is surrounded by epithelioid cells;
  • syphilitic the granuloma looks like extensive necrosis, along the periphery there is an infiltrate of epithelial cells. For papules of a similar origin, rapid tissue necrosis is characteristic;
  • leprosy the granuloma looks like a small nodule of plasma cells;
  • non-specific granulomas do not have any special distinguishing features;
  • dental a granuloma is a miniature sac filled with pus. The danger of such a granuloma is that it can be ignored for a long time, but at the same time the inflammatory process can provoke a flux or phlegmon. A patient with a granuloma of a tooth may have a fever, which is extremely rare. At the slightest suspicion, the dentist sends the patient for an x-ray;
  • granuloma vocal cords usually appears in women, since the female larynx is smaller than the male and therefore more often injured. Such a granuloma is usually located above the vocal process, in patients the voice becomes hoarse and intermittent, a cough appears;
  • granuloma upper respiratory tract looks like tight nodules. The inflamed papules become infiltrates and can later lead to scarring. The appearance of granulomas can provoke allergic and infectious diseases, injuries of the larynx and bronchi;
  • granuloma face is characteristic of men of mature age and looks like brownish plaques or nodules. Patients are worried about itching, sometimes burning;
  • granuloma due to foreign body this is a prime example of post-traumatic inflammation. It occurs as a result of drifts, particles of glass or metal entering the body. A dense, inflamed capsule forms around the foreign fragment;
  • fungoid A granuloma is a serious disease in which atypical cells appear in the blood. Red rashes appear on the skin, which later begin to peel off;
  • echinococcosis granuloma is of parasitic origin, it is caused by echinococcosis, which is localized in the liver. Echinococcal papule can reach large sizes, while the tumor cavity is filled with parasite larvae;
  • barium may occur after contrast radiography. Barium granuloma is a cyst filled with contrast agent;
  • atheroma provokes a blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous gland, in fact, it is a pathological cavity filled with fluid that affects the face, back and scalp.

Complications with granulomas

Granuloma is not dangerous to the life and health of the patient. But, in any case, this pathology can lead to complications, sepsis and tissue necrosis. It must be remembered that serious illnesses can provoke the appearance of inflamed papules. Therefore, when a granuloma appears, it is necessary to conduct a full examination and then treat the underlying disease.

If the granuloma is a companion of syphilis, tuberculosis or listeriosis, then with incorrect treatment, the patient may develop respiratory failure. Listeriosis can be fatal in infants.

Dental granuloma can lead to destruction of the tooth root and ultimately to osteomyelitis of the jaw.

A venereal granuloma can cause the chlamydial infection to spread to the pelvic organs.

Prevention of granulomas

In order to prevent the appearance of dental granulomas, it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination with a dentist once every 1 months. In case of pain in the tooth while eating or the appearance of flux, consult a doctor immediately.

Prevention of venereal granuloma involves avoiding sexual contact with casual partners and hygiene of the genitals.

To prevent the appearance of granulomas, it is necessary to follow a healthy lifestyle and treat infections in time.

Treatment of granulomas in official medicine

Treatment tooth granulomas requires antibiotic therapy and often requires surgery. Syphilitic granuloma can only be cured with powerful antibacterial drugs.

From granulomas of rheumatic origin it is impossible to get rid of without strong anti-inflammatory drugs. Inflamed papules caused by a foreign body entering the skin are treated with surgery, as well as neoplasms with echinococci.

In case of acute inflammation of the barium cyst, it is impossible to do without surgery; in case of a mild form of the disease, drug treatment is used.

You can get rid of atheroma with gentle laser surgery.

Granuloma treatment involves the use of physiotherapy procedures such as magnetic therapy, laser, phonophoresis and demobrasion.

It is better to start therapy for granulomas at the earliest stages of the development of the disease, sometimes treatment can last for 2-3 years.

Useful foods for granuloma

Patients with granuloma should adhere to a full-fledged balanced diet. It is advisable to give preference to boiled food or steamed dishes. It is recommended to include in the diet:

  1. 1 antibacterial ginger that can be added to drinks or used as a spice;
  2. 2 turmeric, which has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties;
  3. 3 tea made from yucca extract, which relieves pain;
  4. 4 cabbage of different varieties;
  5. 5 fresh beets, cabbage and carrots;
  6. 6 salmon and mackerel, which contain omega-3 fatty acids, which prevent the development of inflammatory processes and strengthen the immune system;
  7. 7 walnuts, hazelnuts, prunes and figs, which reduce the risk of side effects with drug therapy;
  8. 8 garlic, which has a powerful antimicrobial effect;
  9. 9 milk with the addition of honey strengthens the immune system.

Traditional medicine for granuloma

Regardless of the nature and localization of the granuloma, a good therapeutic effect can be achieved with the help of folk remedies:

  • rinsing with potato juice gives good results with tooth granuloma;
  • fresh onion juice reduces pain during inflammation of the granuloma of the tooth[1];
  • aloe leaves, infused with dessert wine with the addition of honey, help with tuberculous granuloma;
  • with a granuloma of the teeth, rinsing a decoction of spruce needles are useful;
  • a paste of fresh neem leaves and turmeric relieves itching well;
  • chopped avocado with olive oil stops inflammation in the skin;
  • apple cider vinegar compresses relieve burning sensation;
  • yarrow purifies the blood, therefore, for granulomas, applications with a paste of ground yarrow and water are shown;
  • cream with the addition of boswellia limits the production of leukotrienes and gives good results in the treatment of anular granuloma;
  • crushed rhubarb poultices accelerate healing[2];
  • compresses with green tea leaves soothe sore skin;
  • aloe juice applied to granulomas dulls pain.

Dangerous and harmful foods with granuloma

In the process of treating granulomas, a deliberately composed diet is of no small importance. It is recommended to minimize the consumption of the following foods:

  • animal food… Supermarket meats often contain hormones and antibiotics, so doctors recommend eliminating all meat products. If you cannot give up meat, then give preference to high-quality organic products that can be consumed no more than 2 times a week;
  • semi-finished goodswhich often contain artificial ingredients, fats and preservatives;
  • whole wheat products: muffins, baked goods, white bread, which provoke intestinal inflammation in patients with autoimmune diseases
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