Grandma’s Carpet: 25 Crazy Shower Curtains with AliExpress

What you will not see in this gigantic market place – enterprising sellers are ready to satisfy every whim of the buyer. Even the most incredible.

Designers say window curtains can work wonders: changing curtains is one of the easiest ways to change the mood of an interior. And the curtain for the bathroom creates a mood for us – after all, this is one of the first things that we see in the morning, and it also “accompanies” us to sleep. So this is not such an insignificant detail of the bathroom design.

It is necessary to change the curtain quite often: sediment from water collects on it, bacteria that adore a warm, humid environment with pleasure breed in it. Sometimes mold even appears, and no amount of washing will help here. Fortunately, the curtains are inexpensive – the average price on AliExpress, for example, fluctuates around a thousand rubles. And you can choose the design whatever your heart desires: from cute or glamorous to the craziest thing that comes into your head.

Cats seem to be especially popular. But not mi-mi kittens (although they too), but cats from memes: a cat-warrior on a unicorn, for example, a sullen cat in a mermaid image or a cat’s interpretation of a cult scene from “Titanic”.

There are also many offers from the series “In the world of animals”. There are really beautiful and interesting options, and there is, for example, an elephant sitting on the toilet. Is this a way to express an ironic attitude towards yourself? Doubtful, to be honest. Or a buffalo who looks at you from the curtain – such an idea seems pretty to someone.

Not for the first season, prints in the form of prints of bloody palms on the curtain have been in trend. Trash, for an amateur – but, as you can see, there are amateurs. As well as those who want to hang an imitation of a grandmother’s carpet or doors to an old barn in the bathroom. By the way, in the “shed” style, you can generally arrange the entire bathroom: there are also matching rugs and pillows for the toilet.

And the most beautiful thing is prints with photos of celebrities. Just imagine – the eyes of an idol are looking at you while you are doing your business in the bathroom or toilet. Attractive? Not a fact, but there is no dispute about tastes. By the way, which of these curtains would you like best?

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