Gluten-free diet: how much you can lose weight and how to eat

Recently, gluten-free food has gained wide popularity. It is initially indicated for those who are allergic to gluten – when it enters the intestines, damaging its villi and causing a number of digestive and food problems. 

But since the main food that contains this protein is sweets and starchy foods, this diet began to be used for weight loss. At the same time, gluten-free food is very diverse, there are many products created specifically for it, so you can even eat pasta, but at the same time rapidly lose weight.

So, the main principle of a gluten-free diet is to avoid wheat, which is both flour and cereals. All wheat flour baked goods are automatically prohibited. It is also not allowed to consume instant coffee, any sweets, starch, yoghurts (due to the starch content in them), juices.

What you can eat on a gluten-free diet

On this diet, you can eat without restrictions rice, buckwheat, any meat and fish, vegetables, fruits, butter and vegetable oil, eggs, dairy products, tea and natural coffee, beans, beans, nuts and seeds in their natural form.


Baked goods can be used with amaranth, buckwheat, corn and rice flour, potato and corn starch, flaxseed, gluten-free flour – coconut, almond, oat (gluten-free), soy, bean flour, quinoa flour, soy.

All food should be divided into 4-5 meals, late dinner – preferably a glass of kefir or a small amount of fruit.

The big plus of the diet is that it has no time limits and is considered the most balanced, from the point of view of nutritionists. On a gluten-free diet, you can lose up to 4 kg of excess weight per week.

People following a gluten-free diet may be deficient in certain nutrients – iron, calcium, fiber, thiamine, niacin, folic acid. Therefore, include multivitamins in your diet when eating a gluten-free diet.

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