Get rid of bunions with exercise
Get rid of bunions with exercise

Bunions are definitely one of the most well-known and common foot deformities. Another name for this condition is toe valgus, which is related to the fact that bunions are called bulges on the inside of the foot. It is often accompanied by a curvature of the big toe. The disease is very popular – almost everyone has heard of it. When it comes to treatment methods, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are often used, but one option is special, uncomplicated exercises that can help get rid of the problem without the intervention of drugs and a scalpel.

However, sometimes excision is a must. In the advanced stages, the doctor may order surgery. This brings excellent results, but further rehabilitation is necessary. Postoperative exercises are an obligatory element of it. One of the most recommended is training the quadriceps femoris muscle: while lying on the bed, we straighten our legs, place our hands along the body, then tighten the thigh muscle so that the heel rises slightly above the level of the bed. We hold this position for five seconds and repeat with five-second breaks after 10 sets.

Where is it coming from?

The most common cause of bunions is wearing inappropriate footwear. Shoes with high heels, too tight, with narrow tips – they are the culprits of valgus formation, especially in women who suffer from it ten times more often. There is also a theory that we inherit the tendency to develop bunions. Very often they are accompanied by arthritis. The basic reasons for the formation of hallux valgus are:

  • flat feet,
  • Overweight,
  • Ill-fitting footwear
  • genetic tendencies,
  • Prolonged sitting or standing.

As with most diseases, prevention and taking care of your feet in advance is also important here.

Appropriate exercise – the best prevention

Exercises for bunions are divided into passive and active. There are many examples on the web of how to do it.

  1. Passive exercise example:

We sit on the floor or a chair with our legs stretched out. We direct the foot to the shin and grab the big toe with the palm of the hand. Then we bend the big toe as far as possible from the rest – the exercise is repeated thirty times. If we also have a problem with valgus in the case of the other foot, we also perform the exercise on it.

  1. Active exercise example:

This time you will need a bandage, belt or tape. The help of another person is also necessary. The beginning is similar – a person suffering from bunions sits on the floor with straight legs. He uses his hands to keep his back straight. With the toes pointing upwards, we put a strip on their outer part. Our assistant sits opposite and grabs the ends of the belt. The whole exercise is based on pulling the toes towards you (in front of the sick person) while breaking the resistance of the belt. In addition, it is worth spreading your fingers apart, thanks to which the exercise will be more effective.

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