Marina Gazmanova keeps her clear days for herself in the same way as her famous husband. Yes, even during a pandemic. As if nothing had happened, the artist’s muse has been celebrating its 51st birthday for several days and along the way shares life hacks on how to survive the spring blues and strengthen the immune system.
Marina and Oleg Gazmanov
On the Instagram of Marina Gazmanova, a whole community of women has formed, discussing family problems, raising children and peculiarities of self-development. The fact is that the spouse of the main “vagabond” of the country now and then writes about things that are significant for subscribers and shares her experience and wisdom. Still, because she lived in a happy marriage for more than 17 years, brought up talented children and, to the envy of many, remains an attractive and effective woman. Marina, delighted!
During a pandemic, Gazmanova does not sow panic and continues to live as before: she devotes time to herself and her family, writes in a blog, communicates with followers. The latter asked Marina to tell how to protect herself during this turbulent coronavirus time and to raise immunity. She gladly responded.
“In the off-season, I make baths from pharmacy sea salt, baking soda and scented oil, which is an excellent antiseptic for skin and breath. I add tea tree and lemon oil to the aroma lamp! It smells of health and vigor. In the summer I froze a lot of berries, now I make fresh jam with honey and cook compotes without sugar, ”Gazmanova said.
In addition, the celebrity takes dietary supplements to raise the level of iron in the body and sound sleep, as well as fish oil, an important source of Omega-3.
Marina made a reservation that one should not prescribe vitamins and nutritional supplements to oneself, it is best to first take tests and enlist the instructions of a doctor. We support! And also we take on arms other advice Gazmanova, those that “without a prescription.”
“Good – a cold-warm shower, exercise, gentle sex, a positive attitude, creativity, study, comprehension of new things … Benevolence and respect for boundaries, ours and others!”
Netizens never stop admiring the wisdom and femininity of Marina Gazmanova
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By the way, all these tips are not only relevant not during a pandemic and spring beriberi – they can be followed at any time of the year.