An exciting journey to the splendor of the last days of the Reconquest, the discovery of America and the revolt of the Communards.
In this year Cervantino, on the fourth centenary of his disappearance, the festivities of the Renaissance Week of Medina de Campo, wants to pay tribute to the author of “Quixote”, in what the locals call the town that celebrated fairs in the XV and XVI.
His figure will be included in the celebrations of one of his most outstanding parties, “The Imperials and Comuneros” which will take place in the town from August 14 to 21.
This will be the fifth edition of the festivities, where not only Padilla, Maldonado and Juan Bravo are again protagonists in Castilian lands, they are also returning us to the monarchical past of Isabel la Católica or her daughter Juana, and the mystic of St. Teresa of Jesus, Among others.
Along with the activities for the whole family, the first edition of the Festival of video art and videomapping, the main novelty of this year’s festival, which has as its main show a 3D projection with the presence of D. Miguel de Cervantes on August 14, in the Plaza Mayor de la Hispanidad at 22 pm.
La Renaissance Week of Medina del CampoIt is a festive and summer event that highlights the importance of its events and celebrations for the Valladolid town as a boost to commercial and tourist activity.
Tradition and good taste in the gastronomy of Medina
La Castilian gastronomy returns for a few days to the crest of the wave, and one more year the gastronomic days that accompany the celebrations of the Renaissance week.
Already in spring, throughout the month of March, we made reference to the month of the tasty Valladolid asado, It is nothing less than the “Lamb of the Land of Medina”, and with this its sixth edition, the local restaurants are once again summoned, also now in summer, to offer a menu that includes a starter, lamb, salad, bread, local red wine, homemade dessert and coffee, for the closed price of 25 euros.
The establishments participating in the days that are already heating the ovens and stoves are the Tapería de la Plaza, Madrid, Palacio Balneario de Las Salinas, El Mortero, Villa de Ferias, Taberna Mohino and San Roque de Medina del Campo, El Hilo de Ariadna de Rueda, Mesón de Pedro de Matapozuelos and El Rincón del Tío Macario de Pozaldez.
The dates on which the menus can be tasted by visitors to the village are from August 14 to 21.
A magnificent setting to recall past times
From the Castillo de la Mota, the Plaza Mayor de la Hispanidad or the Royal Testamentary Palace, the town of Medina del Campo, has witnessed an important part of our history, and to be able to put it in value, every year with the celebrations of the Renaissance Week, There are numerous recreations, parades and historical activities set in the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries.
Hundreds of extras from the town and surroundings, characterized as in the time that the event portrays, carry out their activities together with the workshops, demonstrations, guilds and trades of those days prior to the discovery of America.
The ecological market, the wine canteens, the tapas, the Elizabethan dinner, the tastings and tastings, are merged into a program of activities that together with the exhibitions, theatrical performances and concerts transport us to a most interesting trip to the past.
From the first day of the skirmish, visitors will also be able to enjoy numerous shows that this year have the participation of several international delegations from Morocco, Japan, Portugal, Hungary and Italy who will delight us with their group of flag bearers.