Russian rounders are children’s street fun that requires a ball and a bat. It bears some resemblance to cricket and baseball. It requires an open area with a flat area on which to draw lines.
The necessary attributes are a small rubber ball (like in tennis) and a wooden bat with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 60 cm to 1,1 m. You need to find a platform of about 40 x 25 m, maybe a little more. One side of this site is a city, the other is a village or a con. They are marked with lines followed by the players. The distance between the opposite lines is 10-20 m.
Lapta game develops logic and team spirit
First, all participants are divided into 2 teams, they must have an equal number of players. Some go to the city. The goal of this team is to alternately choose a driver who must hit the ball as far as possible into the field. After hitting, you need to run out of the city, run to the opposite side for the line of the horse and go back.
The other team is off the court – in the field. They try to catch the ball faster and tarnish a participant from the group of opponents. This means – hitting him with a ball, “showering”. If they succeed, the teams change places – some go to the city, others drive.
Sometimes the participant does not have time to return to the city – the opponents have already caught the ball and will surely show him off. Then he remains behind the line of the horse. The right to kick the ball passes to the next player. When he reaches the opposite line, 2 participants can return back. This means that a friend helped him out.
The classic version of this fun for children requires the following requirements:
- Each participant of the city in turn becomes the leader. He must hit the ball and run over the opposite line, then back. You can’t throw a bat.
- When the ball is served, the participant stands behind his line, it is forbidden to cross it.
- When one person remains in the city, and the rest could not return and remained behind the opposite line, he can punch the ball 3 times.
- You can spot only from the place where the ball is caught, or throw it to other participants who are closer, but not run with the ball.
- If the server cannot hit the ball with the bat, it is allowed to throw it back with his hands.
The game continues until the participants in the city lose. This will happen in such cases:
- The runner was shocked.
- None of the servers could reach the knight line.
- None of the participants who crossed the line returned to the city.
Then the players switch places. It is important that all participants follow the rules and be one team. When serving the ball, you can choose the direction and force of the blow at your discretion, depending on the location of the opponents.