Source — M. Kipnis, «We train the ability to lead, be a motor and inspirer» (AST, Prime Eurosign).
- help participants overcome internal barriers and fears of a crisis situation, the ability to mobilize in a state of conflict;
- practice using reframing to get a three-dimensional picture of reality and the ability to present an alternative to the problem;
- stimulate a change in attitudes towards a conflict situation as an example of one of the styles of conflict resolution — avoidance (or withdrawal). Check the effectiveness of this method.
Band size: plays no role.
Resources: not required.
Time: 20-60 minutes.
Course of the game
The group is divided into subgroups (5-6 people). In each subgroup, we invite participants to tell a real story of a conflict (family, work, with friends, etc.). Then the subgroup forms duos and trios, which will present a small re-enactment of the conflict that was discussed. Each actor’s «unit» will show one of the plots she has chosen in two versions: as a disaster, and as meaningless nonsense. (Or vice versa: nonsense suddenly acquires catastrophic consequences and scope.)
After a short rehearsal, scenes will be shown and discussed.
It is important to hear the opinion of the narrators, who had the opportunity to see with their own eyes two ways of relating to the problem, to learn about their impression of the staging. Did the scene change the severity of the attitude towards the conflict? If so, how: strengthened or weakened it? Don’t they think that the problem voiced and presented on the site by the comrades revealed some new features of the conflict situation itself, explained the behavior of its real participants?
At the end of the meeting, it is worth discussing the materials presented below with the group.
Additional material for the trainer: Interpersonal conflict
In the Syntone program, the game Emotional traffic light is working on a similar topic.