The content of the article
  1. general description
    1. Causes
    2. Symptoms and stages
    3. Complications
    4. Prevention
    5. Treatment in mainstream medicine
  2. Healthy foods
    1. ethnoscience
  3. Dangerous and harmful products
  4. Information sources

General description of the disease


It is a dense infiltrate of small size, which is localized on the skin. The inflammatory process develops in the hair follicle or in the sebaceous gland, the cause of the inflammation is Staphylococcus aureus, while the inflammation also affects the soft tissues that are nearby. [3] The people call the boil “boil“. As a rule, adults are more susceptible to it, and it occurs in men much more often than in women. The peak of the exacerbation of this pathology is spring or autumn.

This dermatological pathology begins with the formation of a dense infiltrate with a pus-filled rod. Boil can suddenly appear on the skin in any part of the body, but most often it is localized in places of friction and increased sweating – thighs, groin, chest, armpits, face and neck. Boils do not appear on the feet and palms.

Causes of boils

An abscess in the hair follicle is caused by a staphylococcal infection. Each of us has staphylococci on the surface of the skin, but no more than 10% of them are pathogenic. In case of impaired immune system or skin pollution, the concentration of staphylococci can reach 90%. The following factors can reduce the reactivity of the immune system:

  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • diabetes;
  • long-term treatment with cytostatics;
  • bad habits;
  • hepatitis;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • hypodynamia;
  • chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis;
  • stress;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological pathologies.

An abscess can be provoked by a violation of the integrity of the skin due to increased sweating or microtraumas of the skin in dermatological diseases, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema. A boil in the ear or nose area may appear due to the systematic effect of purulent discharge on the skin with sinusitis or otitis media.


The following categories of people are prone to the appearance of boils:

  1. 1 obese patients;
  2. 2 patients undergoing chemotherapy;
  3. 3 contact sports athletes;
  4. 4 living in a large crowd of people – a prison, barracks, shelters for the homeless;
  5. 5 persons who do not eat well.

You should be aware that the appearance of boils can be an early symptom of diabetes or HIV.

Symptoms and stages of the boil

The chiria ripening process takes 1-2 weeks and consists of three stages:

  • infiltration of the naryva accompanied by an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the hair follicle, while the skin around the infiltrate acquires a bright red color. Gradually, the infiltration becomes dense, painful, increases in size, a tingling sensation appears, the surrounding tissues swell.
  • suppuration and necrosis chiria occurs 4-5 days from the moment of its appearance. A dense core with purulent contents is formed in the abscess. The boil becomes painful to the touch, possibly an increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by general malaise and headache. At the peak of the inflammatory process, the lid of the boil opens, purulent contents and a necrotic core come out of it. The swelling and soreness disappear and the patient is relieved;
  • abscess healing lasts 3-4 days. Granulation tissue forms in the crater, then a red scar is formed, which turns pale over time.

Sometimes an abscess can be without a purulent rod. And if a boil forms in the ear, then the patient experiences severe pain, which radiates to the jaw or temple.

Complications with boils

A boil only at first glance seems to be a simple, not worthy of attention pathology. However, with inadequate therapy, accidental injury or self-squeezing, there are possible serious consequences. Complications of the boil are classified depending on the location:

  1. 1 к local complications include carbuncle, erysipelas and abscess. Pathogenic staphylococci from the chirium discharge can infect nearby areas of the skin and thus contribute to the development of an abscess and other purulent lesions of the skin;
  2. 2 к common complications sepsis, furunculosis and abscesses in the area of ​​internal organs. They occur when the infection enters the arterial vessels.
  3. 3 distant – lymphangitis, thrombophlebitis. These complications appear when the infection spreads to the lymphatic vessels.

Prevention of boils

In order to prevent a boil, hygiene rules should be observed:

  • do not wipe yourself with someone else’s towel;
  • take a shower or bath every day;
  • wash towels and linen at high temperatures;
  • treat even minor skin injuries immediately.

It is also necessary to carefully care for the skin with increased sebum and sweating, timely treat chronic diseases and infections, and prevent a decrease in immunity.

Treatment of boils in official medicine

As a rule, local therapy is sufficient to treat a boil. At the stage of maturation, ointments, dry heat, physiotherapy procedures are shown.

After opening the abscess, to accelerate healing, antibiotic therapy is performed with the use of healing drugs.

With recurrent abscesses, attention should be paid to the state of immunity.

Useful products for boils

People prone to boils should include foods rich in vitamins and fiber in their diet:

  1. 1 berries and fruits according to the season;
  2. 2 low-fat fish;
  3. 3 citrus;
  4. 4 broth of dogrose;
  5. 5 boiled eggs;
  6. 6 sauerkraut;
  7. 7 beans;
  8. 8 dried fruits;
  9. 9 chicken liver;
  10. 10 dairy products;
  11. 11 fresh herbs;
  12. 12 brown rice and oatmeal;
  13. 13 whole grain pasta;
  14. 14 walnuts and peanuts.

Traditional medicine for boils

  • at the initial stage, heat the needle to red on a fire and apply it to the sore spot[1];
  • apply fresh onions to the affected area 2-3 times a day;
  • mix 2 parts turmeric with one part castor oil, add 3-4 drops of iodine. Apply the resulting mixture to the boil 2 times a day;
  • wipe the boil with apple cider vinegar;
  • apply ebony oil to the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • cut aloe leaf along and apply to the sore spot with the inside;
  • mix honey with flour or salt, apply the resulting cake to the affected skin area[2];
  • grease the boil with brown laundry soap;
  • make dressings with finely grated raw potatoes;
  • from boils on the body, coniferous baths are recommended;
  • drink birch sap;
  • apply gruel from chopped fresh beets to the boil.

Dangerous and harmful products with boils

People prone to the formation of boils need to exclude the following foods from their diet:

  • alcohol and strong coffee;
  • animal fats;
  • sweets and pastries;
  • fast food;
  • spices and spices;
  • horseradish, ginger, garlic;
  • spicy and fatty dishes;
  • strong meat and fish broths.
Information sources
  1. Herbalist: golden recipes for traditional medicine / Comp. A. Markov. – M .: Eksmo; Forum, 2007 .– 928 p.
  2. Popov A.P. Herbal textbook. Treatment with medicinal herbs. – LLC “U-Factoria”. Yekaterinburg: 1999.— 560 p., Ill.
  3. Wikipedia, article “Furuncle”
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The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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