
General description of the disease

This is an ophthalmic disease of an infectious nature, in which the mucous membrane and cornea of ​​the eye are affected. With trachoma, cicatricial changes occur in the conjunctiva and in the cartilaginous tissues of the eye, due to which the eyelid turns up, the cornea becomes cloudy. Such changes threaten complete loss of vision.

The causative agents of the disease are chlamydia (intracellular parasites of microscopic size).

Infection methods

Trachoma is one of the anthroponotic diseases that have an epidemic advance. In the spread of chlamydia, a large role is played on the human standard of living and on the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards.

The infection can be transmitted with hands, hygiene items and household items, through clothing and infected discharge (through pus, tears, mucus). There may also be a mechanical method of transmission of infection through flies. The most dangerous are patients with an atypical course of the disease or people who have a rare localization of infection (for example, the accumulation of chlamydia in the lacrimal duct).

After recovery, immunity is not developed. High prevalence of trachoma in countries with subtropical and tropical climates. In the CIS countries, trachoma is not a common disease.

Trachoma symptoms

The disease can occur at any age, but children suffer more from it, because they do not yet fully understand why they need personal hygiene and while their parents do not see them, they often neglect them.

Trachoma affects both eyes. The first signs of the disease may not appear immediately. As a rule, the first symptoms make themselves felt 7-14 days after the infection of the eye with chlamydia. This is due to the rather large incubation period, which lasts differently for everyone.

Symptoms that can become a sign of trachoma at the initial stage, with a latent course: a feeling of sand in the eyes, they quickly get tired, constantly bake, there is a very small amount of mucus or pus from the eyes.

If the trachoma began acutely, then the symptoms are very similar to the manifestations of conjunctivitis. The eyelids become swollen, there is a fear of light, hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eyes begins, a large amount of pus is released.

After some time, the mucous eyes become rough, the ocular cartilage thickens and the upper eyelid becomes ptosis (ptosis). In sick people with trachoma, the eyelids are always lowered and there is a feeling that the person is constantly sleepy.

With trachoma, follicles form near the capsules, in the middle of which the infection persists. If the integrity of these follicles is violated, the disease resumes. It is worth noting that the follicle can be intact for several years.

Stages of trachoma

Trachoma goes through 4 clinical stages during its course.

Stage 1 – there is a strong inflammatory process in the conjunctiva, infiltration develops in the region of the upper transitional fold, large-sized papillae and follicles appear.

Stage 2 – there is a process of disintegration of some follicles, scarring occurs. Also, the follicles merge, the conjunctiva takes on a gelatinous appearance, the inflammatory process becomes more pronounced. It is at this stage that patients are most infectious.

Stage 3 – infiltration and the presence of follicles are much less scarring, signs of inflammation still remain, but become less pronounced.

Stage 4 – the healing process begins, the inflammatory process completely stops, a large number of scars in the form of asterisks are visible on the conjunctiva, but at the same time its color becomes whitish.

Useful foods for trachoma

When treating trachoma, you should adhere to a diet that will improve the body’s ocular system and also increase immunity. For these purposes, you need to drink carrot, beetroot, orange juices, parsley juice (it is better to combine it with any vegetable juice or simply dilute with purified water). You need apricots, apricots and dried apricots.

More often use grapes, bell peppers, pumpkin, kiwi, seeds and nuts, zucchini, cabbage, mango, prunes, papaya, legumes, spinach, corn, oranges, peaches, eggs, blueberries, currants, strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates, dogwood, sea ​​fish, bread with bran and whole grains, flour products made from wholemeal flour. To strengthen the mucous membrane of the eyes, natural dark chocolate should be eaten in small quantities.

Traditional medicine for trachoma

  • Currant shoots and leaves are brewed and drunk as much as possible instead of tea, while rubbing or pouring warm currant infusion on the head three times a day;
  • With trachoma, the eyelids are treated with lemon juice – for the first three days, the external eyelids are lubricated with juice, then the internal ones. The duration of treatment is a week.
  • Warm lotions with eyebright decoction help well against infection.
  • It is necessary to constantly drink a decoction of rosehip (take about 50 berries for half a liter of water).
  • Make a decoction from the leaves and flowers of bird cherry and wipe the eyes with a cotton swab. For 2 cups of boiling water, you need 2 tablespoons of raw materials. The broth must be infused for 10-12 hours.
  • Prepare gruel from fig leaves and apply it to the affected eyelids.

Traditional medicine for trachoma is used as an adjunct or for the prevention of this disease in order to prevent relapse.

Dangerous and harmful foods for trachoma

  • fatty, salty, smoked (especially on liquid smoke) foods;
  • alcohol, sweet soda;
  • products containing E encoding, trans fats, additives, fillers, colorants, flavor enhancers, leavening agents;
  • puff pastry and pastry cream.

These products contribute to an increase in the volume of purulent-mucous discharge. They disrupt metabolic processes, slag the body. Because of this, its defenses are reduced and any diseases and inflammatory processes take a long time and are slowly cured.


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