Fruits and Vegetables Reduce the Risk of Bladder Cancer

The benefits of vegetables and fruits are always discussed, since they not only saturate the body with substances useful for life and health, but also allow avoiding the disease of the century – obesity. This time, scientists found a special reason to talk about them, because during the research it turned out that gifts of nature reduce the risk of bladder cancer… Especially in women.

The specialists were interested in the issue of effective prevention of aggressive forms of cancer. For this, an analysis of oncological diagnoses was carried out in 429 women and men. And besides this, the diet of the participants in the experiment, which lasted 30 years, was studied. The result of the study was as follows: All other factors being equal, women who had a diet rich in various fruits and vegetables for many years had the least risk of developing bladder cancer.

The experts suggest that we make a conclusion… Recalling that 15 thousand people die from bladder cancer from year to year. This is a sad statistic that can be changed if you have fresh vegetables and fruits on the menu, preferably always.

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