Fruits are an irreplaceable source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, useful sugars and pectin. It turns out that in order to get the most out of them, you need to know the time at which a particular fruit is best absorbed.
These simple rules will help you navigate the fruit-timing issue.
- Ideally, if the fruits you plan to eat will not be cooked, vitamins are retained in raw fruits. Plus, do not peel off the peel, as vitamin C breaks down on contact with air. If you have problems with the digestive system, and coarse fiber causes discomfort, fruits can be eaten canned, baked, boiled.
- Prefer local fruits, even in winter. Do not be tempted by the imported exotic, which matures on the way and is stored for a long time – there is negligible usefulness in such fruits.
- It is believed that frozen local fruits contain much more vitamins than imported fresh ones, so in the summer it is worth taking care of supplies for future use.
When to eat fruit
Different fruits are absorbed at different times of the day and carry a certain load on the body due to their composition.
So sweet fruits should not be eaten at night for those who are struggling with excess weight. Better to use them for breakfast and “give” the energy of carbohydrates to the desired activity during the day.
Fruit is better absorbed and does not harm the stomach if eaten between meals or before meals. On a full stomach, fiber will confuse digestion, and pain with bloating is guaranteed. If fruits are included in the dessert, then it is better to wait 40 minutes before pampering yourself with sweets.
- Apples contribute to an increase in appetite, as they provoke a better secretion of gastric juice, eat them one hour before the main meal.
- Bananas are a great snack option. Despite the calorie content. The only thing is that it is better not to use them before going to bed.
- Feel free to eat the citrus group for breakfast, charge yourself with vitamin C and positive emotions. In the evening, as an exception, you can add a slice of lemon to your tea to taste.
- Grapes can be eaten throughout the day, just like raisins. Berries contain potassium and glucose. But since grapes cause constipation, do not get carried away with them at night, after eating throughout the day.
- For dinner, you can eat plums, as they help digestion and force the intestines to part with toxins in 10-12 hours.
And what about off-season
Brought exotic tempts from the shelves. And I just want to buy something unusual for the festive table.
It is also important to consider the season here. So, in winter, you can pay attention to citruses – in our cold season they have just the season and there is a possibility that with proper transportation they will arrive with at least some vitamins and a minimum of preservatives. Bring kiwi to their company – they also ripen in the fall and do not need conservation.
But pineapple, mango, papaya are the biggest threat, as they are subjected to maximum chemical processing. It is better to buy these fruits canned, but do not forget about the large amount of sugar in the jar.
In the season of “native” fruits and berries, it is better to give preference to local ones!
Be healthy!
Recall that earlier we told you which 2 life hacks will prolong the freshness of vegetables and fruits, and also advised how to properly prepare fruit salads.