Science has long proven that the sex of the unborn child is more dependent on the father. And yet it is believed that a woman, in a certain way, will influence the formation of what this new life will be like.
Many years ago it was believed that it was the woman who was “to blame” for whether she had a son or a daughter. And some future fathers are still disappointed when they see a baby of the wrong sex on an ultrasound scan – and believe that they have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Science has long proven the direct dependence of the male biomaterial and the sex of the unborn child. Everything sounds very straightforward: the result depends on whether the baby inherits from his father the X or Y chromosome, which is responsible for gender.
Of course, the birth of a new life is a whole chain of accidents, which we personally, unlike our genes, cannot influence in any way. Or are there ways to deceive nature?
Of course, on the Internet you can find a description of a considerable number of techniques that supposedly help to conceive a child of a certain gender. And some “experts” even charge money for calculating your personal pregnancy calendar for a boy or a girl. But there are no guarantees for such a service.
For a clearer result, you can contact a reproductive clinic. There they have been providing IVF services for a long time, aimed precisely at the birth of a child of a certain gender. But this pleasure is very expensive – and has many complications and side effects.
Yet scientists are confident that some factors related to the health and well-being of a mother can really affect who she gets pregnant – a boy or a girl. But, of course, you should not rely only on their effectiveness. Gender determination is still a big “lottery”!
Yes, the sex of the unborn child is influenced exclusively by the genes of the father. However, one sperm can get into the egg, or a completely different one. And there are studies proving that if a woman experienced an orgasm during intimacy, she has an increased chance of giving birth to a son. The reason for this in this case will be a change in environment. The environment of the vagina after orgasm will become alkaline, and this, in turn, promotes the rapid passage of sperm with the Y chromosome to the egg.
There is also a version that sons most often appear in those women whose body is dominated by the “male” hormone testosterone. However, it is worth remembering that with increased testosterone, the chances of pregnancy generally decrease. The ovulation cycle becomes disordered, menstruation becomes irregular, and the risk of miscarriage increases.
Another non-obvious factor that affects the sex of the child is the mental health of the mother. Scientists believe that women who experience prolonged stress are much more likely to have a daughter than a son. There is no exact relationship between these phenomena. But there is a lot of statistical evidence that after serious shocks and cataclysms (for example, the explosion of the Twin Towers in the USA or the fall of the Berlin Wall) most women gave birth to girls.
Do you believe that the sex of a child can be programmed without consulting a specialist?
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