By 2025, the Dutch company Meatable promises that its artificial meat will become a humane, sustainable and tasty substitute for real meat.
Now the most common technology for creating artificial meat is production based on plant components. However, an alternative approach is rapidly evolving – growing meat in the laboratory from single cells. One of the companies working in this area is the Dutch Meatable, reports
For example, the startup’s technology makes it possible to grow tissues in a test tube without using animal blood serum. Thanks to this, you can completely refuse to kill them. Instead, the company selects cells from live cows or pigs, turns them into pluripotent stem cells, and then directs them along the development path of adipose or muscle tissue.
The Dutch company’s approach has already attracted $ 7 million from investors and a $ 3 million grant from the European Commission. This money will go to the development of a bioreactor, which will be presented next year. And by 2025, it is planned to launch a factory producing thousands of kilograms of meat.
Meatable says its technology will produce meat using 96% less water and 99% less land. Provided that production uses renewable energy, test-tube pork can be a green substitute for real.
Recall that earlier we talked about the fact that the vegetable burger beats all imaginable sales records, and also gave advice on how to reduce meat consumption.