General description of the disease
This is a violation of the integrity of the bone, as well as damage to the tissue that surrounds it. This can happen not only with the bones of the limbs, but in general with any bone of the human body. A characteristic feature of a fracture is also a violation of the functionality of the damaged area.
Reasons that provoke the occurrence of a fracture
Typically, fractures occur at a time when more pressure or impact is exerted on the bone at one point than it can withstand. Such force usually occurs suddenly, is characterized by great intensity. The most common causes of fractures are:
- falls;
- blows;
- traumatic events – for example, car accidents or gunshot wounds;
- sports injuries[1];
- internal processes in the body, pathological changes in the bones that occur after certain diseases. In this case, the bone becomes fragile, and can break even when the person is not exposed to stress, and is engaged in everyday activities – for example, when walking.
It is also worth noting that there is a certain risk group – people who have more fragile bones, and therefore the likelihood of fracture increases. The categories that it includes are listed below.
- 1 aged people;
- 2 suffering from osteoporosis or bone loss;
- 3 suffering from renal failure;
- 4 people who have problems with the intestines, as a result of which the absorption of nutrients is impaired;
- 5 those who lead a sedentary lifestyle;
- 6 people who are addicted to alcohol or tobacco products;
- 7 suffering from disorders of the endocrine system;
- 8 some drugs can make a person more vulnerable to injury.
Symptoms of a fracture
Most fractures are accompanied by severe pain at the time of injury. When you try to move the injured area or when you touch the site of injury, near it, the pain may increase. Sometimes a person may faint from painful shock, or experience dizziness, coldness in the body.
Other potential fracture symptoms include:
- a click or specific sound when an injury occurs;
- swelling, redness, and bruising in the affected area;
- Difficulty maintaining balance
- visible deformation of the damaged area;
- in some cases, the damaged bone pierces the skin, thereby damaging its integrity [1].
Types of fractures
There are two large groups into which all fractures can be divided.
- 1 Closed fracture. It is a broken bone that does not penetrate or damage the skin. But all the same, this type causes injury to soft tissues that damage the bone, so you need to see a doctor urgently. The condition of the soft tissue can influence treatment recommendations, as closed fractures with severe soft tissue damage can lead to surgery. The most common types of closed fractures include fractures of the wrist, hip (more common in older people), and ankle fracture. [2].
- 2 Open fracture (also called this type complex fracture). It is a fracture that has an open wound or tear in the skin near the site of the broken bone. Most often, this wound appears because a fragment of a bone broke through the skin when it was injured. Treatment of an open fracture requires a different approach than in the case of a closed fracture, because bacteria, dirt, dust from the environment can penetrate through the wound, and provoke the appearance of an infectious infection. For this reason, early treatment of an open fracture focuses on preventing infection at the site of injury. The wound, tissue and bone should be cleaned as soon as possible. The broken bone must also be stabilized for the wound to heal. [3].
Further, the classification of fractures becomes very extensive. They can be divided according to the type of parts into which the bone broke, according to the degree of separation of these parts from each other, according to the shape of the fracture (there are oblique, transverse, helical, longitudinal, etc.), and also according to the type of bone that was broken. For example, a fracture of the skull is flat, the limbs are tubular, and the bones of the heel are spongy.
Complications of a fracture
Complications can be early or late. We propose to consider both options.
To early complications include the following.
- Traumatic shock – This is a serious condition that can become a threat even to human life. The reasons that provoke such a state of shock are very severe pain, as well as loss of blood in large volumes.
- Fat embolism – This is a complication in which those particles begin to circulate in the blood or lymph, which under normal conditions should not be present there (they are called emboli). Often they can cause blockage of blood vessels and provoke a violation of the blood supply. Prevention of embolism consists in a careful attitude to the fracture zone, as well as high-quality immobilization of the damaged area.
- Secondary bleeding – appears due to damage by bone fragments of various large vessels.
- Limb gangrene – this is the death of tissues of a living organism, as a rule, black or dark in color, which can be triggered by improper application of gypsum, subsequently which the blood supply in the area was disrupted [5].
To late complications include the following:
- Pressure sores – This is tissue necrosis, which occurs as a consequence of prolonged pressure on the area in combination with impaired blood supply in this area of the body. It can occur in patients who, due to a complex fracture, are immobilized for a long time.
- Suppuration in the area where the needle was located or the operation was performed – the danger of this complication is that inflammation or infection can spread to the bone. Taking proper care of the patient who has been fitted with wires is a very important preventive step.
- False joints – this is a disruption of the continuity of the tubular bone and the appearance of mobility in departments unusual for it. Diagnosed by X-ray. Such a complication proceeds with little symptoms, manifests itself in the form of pain when resting on the damaged part or with mobility in an unusual place.
- Improper healing of the fracture – may affect later on the functionality of the injured area.
Prevention of fracture
Not always a person can influence the factors that provoke the appearance of a fracture – for example, during sports or in an accident. But in everyday life, he can make efforts to make bones stronger and more resistant to various influences. To do this, you need to eat right, ensure that all the necessary vitamins and elements, especially calcium and vitamin D, enter the body.
It is also important to give up alcohol abuse, smoking, since the toxins that enter the body along with drinking and tobacco have a very bad effect not only on the liver and kidneys, but also on the bones.
It is necessary to alternate the mode of work and rest, try to protect oneself from excessive stress on the body, both physical and moral.
Many injuries can be avoided by following simple safety rules: properly organize the workplace, not violate traffic rules, wear a protective helmet, knee pads when rollerblading, cycling, skating, shoe according to the weather, choose for the winter rest with soles that would not slide well on the ice, etc. In many cases, we can all prevent a health hazard from arising.
Fracture treatment in mainstream medicine
The treatment plan will depend on the type and location. In general, the doctor will try to get the broken bones back into position and stabilize them as they heal. It is important to keep the pieces of broken bone stationary until they are set. During the healing process, new bone forms around the edges of the broken bone. If they are properly aligned and stabilized, the new bone will eventually connect the pieces. [4].
- External connection of bone fragments. A plaster cast is applied to stabilize the bone and keep it stationary. It helps prevent broken pieces of bone from moving around as they heal. Also, sometimes special devices (for example, the Ilizarov apparatus) can be used to provide more stable fixation in difficult cases. The advantage of this method is the ability to manage fragments.
- Internal connection of bone fragments carried out together with special structures – plates, screws, bolts, knitting needles.
- Combined bonding of bone fragments – It is used for multiple fractures, and combines different methods, for example, skeletal traction, application of a special bandage and internal connection.
More complex fractures may require surgery.
Also, often with fractures, medication is also prescribed: pain relievers, antibacterial drugs, vitamin and mineral complexes (in particular, vitamins C, D, group B and calcium) are prescribed.
Useful foods for fracture
The most important thing in case of a fracture is to strengthen the bones. The best way is to eat foods that are high in calcium and vitamin D. This tandem will help you recover quickly. In order to fully receive these components along with food, the following items must be included in the diet:
- Dairy products – there is where to roam. You can eat and drink what you like: yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream.
- Beans, green peas, soybeans, lentils.
- Seeds and nuts such as almonds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds. However, they need to be supplemented with something, since they do not fully cover the body’s need for calcium.
- Seafood, especially fatty fish such as salmon, halibut, cod and sardines. Fish oil is also very beneficial. Now it can be bought not only in liquid form, but also in capsules, which greatly simplifies its intake.
- Fruits, vegetables, berries. Although they are low in calcium, they are rich in components that contribute to its better absorption. It is important to eat asparagus, seaweed, celery, broccoli, gooseberries, blackberries, currants.
- Liver (beef, chicken).
It is also worth remembering that our body is able to synthesize vitamin D on its own under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. So during fractures, it is recommended to take regular walks in the fresh air under the sun. In summer, it is better to do this at “safe” hours, when the sun is not yet so active – in the morning or in the evening.
Traditional medicine for fracture
- 1 In order for the bone to heal faster, you need to drink two courses of mummy. This is done very simply: on an empty stomach you need to drink 0,1 g of the drug, diluted in warm water. After 10 days, you need to take a break for 5 days and repeat the second course.
- 2 The effect of the mummy can be complemented by a lotion made on the basis of lilac flowers, dandelions, coltsfoot, burdock root taken in an equal amount. The plants should be filled ¾ into the bottle and filled with vodka. Apply compresses to the injured area.
- 3 You need to rub fir oil twice a day in the area of the damaged area. This promotes faster healing.
- 4 For fractured ribs, compresses from a glass of thorn juice, 2 tablespoons of grass and cornflower flowers are effective. For 8 days, such a mixture should be taken 1 tablespoon in the morning, on an empty stomach. [6].
- 5 For painful sensations from old fractures, you can make a compress based on egg yolk. To do this, mix it with a teaspoon of salt, put it on a napkin, and then on the aching place. The next day it will become as hard as plaster. Then take off the compress. The procedure must be repeated until the pain goes away.
- 6 Eggshells can be a source of calcium for the body. Naturally, the egg should be washed well before making a powder from it. So, you need to remove the inner film from the shell, dry it, and grind it into powder. Add a little lemon juice to it and take a little every day.
- 7 It is good for the bones to eat 2 walnuts a day.
- 8 To heal the bones, it is recommended to drink a glass of onion broth every day. It is prepared like this: you need to chop 2 onions, fry them in vegetable oil, and then boil them in a liter of water. Cool and drink before eating, you do not need to filter the broth.
Dangerous and harmful foods for fractures
We already wrote that in order to prevent a fracture, you need to stop drinking alcohol. In the period of recovery from an injury, even more so. It provokes bone destruction, interferes with the normal formation of bone and cartilage tissue.
It is worth excluding coffee and strong tea from the diet, as they wash out calcium from it.
Fatty foods are also prohibited because they interfere with the absorption of calcium. It enters and leaves the body without exerting its positive effect.
Sweets, sodas, baked goods are best avoided because they harm the stomach and damage the immune system, which has already become more vulnerable due to the injury.
- Article: “Fracture”, source
- Article: “Closed Fracture”, source
- Article: “Opened Fracture”, source
- Article: “Types of Bone Fractures”, source
- Book: “Surgical Diseases with Patient Care”, S. N. Muratov
- The book “Travnik”
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