For wealth and good luck: what to do around the house on Maslenitsa
Everyone knows that on Shrovetide it is necessary to overeat pancakes. Actually, that’s why they love her. And at the same time they are mistaken: tradition says that you need to be generous in the treat, but you should not glutton yourself yourself. In addition, this week is preparatory before Lent. Therefore, it is also better not to cook meat fillings for pancakes, preferring fish, dairy products and vegetables. However, there are three things that you just need to do on Shrovetide, but not everyone knows about this.
Perform general cleaning
It is strongly recommended to do this in the first three days of the week, the so-called Narrow Shrovetide. Tradition prescribes cleaning the entire house, freshening it up for the winter. And at the same time, prepare for the week of Great Lent – you need to meet him clean in every sense: both physically and spiritually, so that there is complete order around.
On the last day of Maslenitsa, Sunday, it is necessary not only to burn the effigy of winter, but also to wash all the dishes so that not a single dirty spoon remains in the sink for the night. And the next day – wash the floor with water and vinegar or salt in order to expel the “oily” atmosphere of the gluttonous week from the house. Indeed, during the fast, temptations are useless.
Cleaning these days is not just about cleaning the house from dirt. It is also the zeroing of the energy background, getting rid of the negative.
In addition, in the old days it was customary to hold gatherings, introducing guys to girls, just after a general cleaning, when everything in the house is perfectly clean and tidy. It was believed that in such an environment it was much easier to look after a couple for yourself.