Foods We Eat Wrong

It is necessary to benefit from food wisely, because it is not enough to choose the desired product, you also need to exclude combinations that will prevent nutrients from being absorbed, choose the best cooking method and select accompanying products that, in combination with the main ingredient, will give the desired effect.

Black tea

Black tea is rich in antioxidants and nutrients, albeit in small amounts. However, you neglect all the benefits if you prefer to drink black tea with milk. Milk neutralizes all the nutrients in this hot drink.

Flax seeds

Flaxseeds are a source of fiber, antioxidants and beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids. There are flax seeds just not appetizing, they are usually generously flavored with cereals, cottage cheese, smoothies and cocktails. But they are not very useful in the shell, so before adding flax seeds to your favorite dish, grind them into a gruel.



Tomatoes contain a useful substance – lycopene. It protects the walls of blood vessels from damage and can help prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis. It is noteworthy that more lycopene is contained in tomatoes that have undergone heat treatment, so cook, stew, bake and grill tomatoes more often.


Often, after packing the yoghurt into plastic jars, whey is separated from the total mass. Therefore, after opening the package, the first desire is to drain this incomprehensible substance. But it is in the serum that the maximum benefit is contained. Stir the yoghurt gently until smooth and consume.


Unlike tomatoes, broccoli inflorescences cooked in water contain much less nutrients and vitamins than raw ones. Therefore, if you want to preserve as many vitamins as possible, steam broccoli or a grill pan.


Asparagus has long ceased to be an unusual delicacy for us, and after the popularization of this low-calorie side dish, its widespread use came. Like broccoli, asparagus does not like water, giving it all its benefits, and long heat treatment – so it turns into steamed porridge. For a few seconds, simply heat the asparagus in a hot skillet and enjoy the crispy greens.

Cereals and beans

All grains and beans in the shell contain phytates – antioxidant substances that prevent the body from absorbing nutrients and vitamins from this product. To avoid this effect, soak the beans or cereals before cooking overnight.


Garlic is useful only after it releases its juices, and often, during heat treatment, it simply does not have time to give up its benefits. Change the situation: before adding the garlic to the dish, knead it a little, pressing it down with a knife, and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

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Let’s remind, earlier we told which 5 products become even healthier when cooking, as well as which products bring maximum benefit in a pair. 

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