Don’t be surprised, but the most popular dishes can easily ruin your day. And the figure at the same time.
The very first meal should be the most useful, that is, balanced in carbohydrates, proteins, fats. In addition, the body requires energy upon awakening, and food should also contribute to alertness, not drowsiness. But, as it turned out, in reality, the most popular breakfasts in the world, alas, are not the most healthy. We find out what is wrong with them.
It is that oatmeal that the British eat every morning, the benefits of which have been written in millions of Instagram posts, which have a beneficial effect on the stomach and carry a lot of healthy right carbohydrates, minerals and fiber, that we often eat incorrectly. The mistake is that in our eternal haste we are boiling oatmeal with boiling water. In addition, porridge boiled in milk, flavored with a piece of butter and sprinkled with sugar seems tastier. It turns out a high-calorie useless dessert.
And you need to eat oatmeal: first soak it in water for four hours, and then cook for a long time until soft. If you have enough time to do everything according to the rules, then the body will thank you with good health, because together with oatmeal it will receive minerals and vitamins that help prevent vegetative vascular dystonia, anemia and gastritis. To summarize: instant porridge is not suitable for an everyday diet.
Bacon and eggs
Another variation of the common classic English breakfast. In all honesty, we admit: men will not refuse such a dish, and sometimes it is difficult for us to resist. But you should not abuse fatty foods on an empty stomach, because cholesterol and saturated fats overload the gastrointestinal tract, drowsiness and thirst appear. For breakfast, it is better to choose an omelet with stewed vegetables. If we are completely true to the principles of healthy lifestyle, then for the omelet we take proteins, reducing the amount of fat.
We know – we know how much fat and incomprehensible minced meat is contained in this product, but it is impossible to completely exclude it from the menu. For some, sausages are a common food, tasty and satisfying, for others – a rare substitute for more wholesome products. In any case, this semi-finished product is not suitable for daily breakfast, it is too fatty food, flavored with flavorings and preservatives. Even if there is only one good quality meat in the sausages, nutritionists advise to wait until lunchtime – breakfast should be light and well digested. Meat products, in addition to the fact that they themselves contain a large amount of fat, load the digestive tract. The body spends a lot of energy and responds with lethargy. Is this what we expect from breakfast?
Pancakes and fritters
Another classic of the genre is pancakes with jam or honey and a cup of tea. Delicious and nutritious! Now we have learned to save our time and can cook ourselves pancakes for breakfast in three bills by warming up a frozen semi-finished product in the microwave. But this food is not for the daily menu. Flour products in any form are aggressive to the pancreas. The fact is that they have a high glycemic index, are quickly absorbed in the stomach, and the glucose obtained as a result of fermentation triggers the release of insulin. The body does not understand what is happening to it, whether it is full or hungry, and again signals the brain that it is time to eat, lethargy and drowsiness appear, and heaviness in the stomach. Lovers of sweets and pastries risk not only gaining weight, but also getting problems like diabetes. If you absolutely cannot do without your favorite pancakes, make them with healthier flour (rice, rye, whole grain) and without sugar.
Coffee with chocolate
A popular and easy way to refresh yourself. Neither one nor the other is allowed on an empty stomach. Caffeine, which is found in excess in the drink, irritates the stomach lining, provoking the production of gastric juice and the release of bile from the gallbladder. If you limit yourself only to coffee, then the acid will begin to corrode the mucous membrane (hello gastritis). Sweets are fraught with another danger: when ingested, they make the pancreas work for wear and tear. To exclude metabolic disorders in the future, do not indulge yourself in the morning with chocolate, bars or sweets – although they say that you need to eat desserts in the morning.
Raw vegetables and fruits
Only after heat treatment. Of course, a slice of fresh cucumber or tomato in a sandwich will not hurt, but if you have prepared yourself a caesar or fruit for breakfast, then leave them for a later time, for example, lunchtime. Why are they different for a morning meal? Firstly, the content of acid and sugar (getting into an empty stomach, they can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, heartburn, fermentation, gas formation), secondly, many fresh fruits and vegetables cause allergic reactions, and thirdly, it is a load on the pancreas. Fourth, many foods have side effects: tomatoes and persimmons have pectin and tannic acid (risk of stomach stones), garlic is rich in allicin (gastrospasms), spinach and bananas are rich in magnesium (which has a calming effect and causes drowsiness). All the same applies to natural juices, the norm per day (but not in the morning) is no more than 200 grams.
The delicate texture of this dish has been known to everyone since kindergarten times. Groats, which are made from crushed wheat grains, contain vitamins of group B, E, minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other useful substances. But nevertheless, semolina cannot be called dietary nutrition and there are many reasons for this. Groats contain gluten, which is dangerous for allergy sufferers, due to the high level of light carbohydrates and low fiber, people who are prone to overweight should also refrain from porridge. For babies with their weak digestive system, semolina is dangerous because it contains a substance phytin, which interferes with the absorption of calcium and vitamin D (the culprit in the appearance of rickets), and a large amount of starch. For the sake of fairness, it must be said that there are situations when it is difficult to come up with something for breakfast better than semolina porridge: for example, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or during the period of rehabilitation after surgery.
Fried in butter, sprinkled with powdered sugar – a favorite childhood breakfast should be forgotten if you are thinking about proper nutrition. As a rule, they take white bread or a loaf for croutons, which in itself is fraught (about blood sugar and insulin – higher), and even fried in oil (cholesterol, carcinogens and other troubles). Nourishing, high-calorie, but you will not feel cheerfulness and a surge of energy.
Breakfast cereals
Manufactured confectionery promises us through advertising that it is a nutritious and healthy breakfast. We often see heroes pour milk into a cup with pillows or cereal in films. For working and busy people, this is a convenient and quick way to have a snack. But let’s see what the quick breakfasts consist of. Vitamins and trace elements – should be, at least, it is promised by the manufacturer. Further, the balls and stars include flour, starch, sugar and a list of synthetic additives that make breakfast aromatic and appetizing.
Claudia Evseeva, general practitioner:
“Breakfast should be nutritious enough so that at least until midday you can think of nothing but work. First of all, it is worth parting with coffee on an empty stomach: there is still nothing to digest, and the stimulus is powerful. Plus, fasting coffee raises levels of the stress hormone cortisol – instead of the expected alertness. You can eat fruits in the morning if you combine them with fermented milk products. Sausages and scrambled eggs and bacon, as well as “instant” porridge, I can not advise anyone. But buckwheat porridge without milk is an excellent choice. “