Food for the voice

Did you know that the beautiful voice given to you by nature requires care and attention? Moreover, they are not only in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the throat and vocal cords, but also in ensuring proper nutrition, especially if you sing or often proclaim speeches in front of a huge audience. Well-known physiologists and nutritionists write about how it should be.

Power and voice

Both his health and the health of all his organs and systems depend on the diet of this or that person. Studying in detail the effect of certain foods on the vocal cords, scientists have identified, and many professional artists have confirmed that there are those of them, the presence of which in the diet has a positive effect on their general condition. These products are divided into groups: meat, dairy (using them, you need to be extremely careful), vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Meanwhile, there are also such products, which are desirable or undesirable to use immediately before the performances. By exerting an immediate effect on the fragile vocal cords, or, more simply, by acting locally, they can prevent dryness and irritation, and, therefore, give you a fantastic, beautiful voice. Or, conversely, create uncomfortable feelings and aggravate the situation.

Vocal Cord Vitamins

Of course, a varied diet is a guarantee of health not only for the whole organism, but also for the vocal cords themselves. However, earlier vitamins and nutrients were identified, which must necessarily be included in the diet of a person who wants to keep his clear voice. These include:

  • Vitamin A. They take an active part in the regeneration or restoration of damaged vocal cords after illness or heavy stress.
  • Vitamin C. It has a direct effect on the immune system and, accordingly, helps the body fight various infections that can affect the throat and affect the quality of the voice.
  • Vitamin E. It is an antioxidant that protects cell walls from the harmful effects of free radicals and also helps boost the immune system.
  • Protein. It is the source of energy for the body, and therefore the health of the vocal cords. However, only unflavored protein foods are healthy. Since spices and seasonings can harm the vocal cords.
  • Cellulose. It is dietary fiber that helps the body to cleanse itself and function normally. It is found mainly in vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Top 13 Voice Products

Water. It is imperative that you stick to your drinking regime and drink enough fluids. This will prevent the vocal cords from drying out, and therefore will prevent any discomfort, especially during performances. Directly in front of them, you need to drink water at room temperature. Too cold or hot water can have negative consequences. By the way, it is the violation of the drinking regime that doctors explain the periodic coughing of a person for no apparent reason.

Honey. It perfectly soothes the throat after illness or after heavy exertion. In addition, it has antibacterial properties and takes care of the health of the vocal cords and tissues located in the immediate vicinity. Often, before performances, artists replace water with warm tea with honey, focusing on the effect this drink has on the state of the voice. But it is not recommended to add lemon to it. The acid in it leads to drying out of the ligaments and the appearance of uncomfortable sensations at the most inopportune moment.

Low-fat types of fish – pike, catfish, pollock, hake, etc. They contain protein. Excessively oily fish often leads to indigestion and fluid loss.

Lean meat – chicken, rabbit, veal, lean pork. These are also sources of protein.

Almond. It can be used as a healthy snack as it is rich in protein.

All types of cereals. They enrich the body with useful substances, improve digestion and are easily digested without causing heaviness in the stomach and other unpleasant sensations.

Citrus. It is a storehouse of vitamin C, as well as carotenoids and bioflavonoids. Their lack leads to a decrease in immunity. The main thing is not to consume citrus fruits immediately before performances, so as not to provoke a dry throat.

Spinach. Another source of vitamin C.

Blueberries. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants that have a positive effect on the condition of the vocal cords. You can replace it with blackberries, red cabbage, olives, blue grapes.

Broccoli. It is a storehouse of vitamin C and antioxidants. In the absence of it, other types of cabbage are also suitable.

Green apples. They contain not only vitamin C, but also iron, the lack of which leads to anemia and decreased immunity.

Garlic and onions. They contain allicin, which is highly regarded for its antibacterial properties. In addition to protecting the body from infections, it also affects the level of cholesterol in the blood, lowering it, and improving a person’s well-being.

Watermelon. It is a source of fluid and fiber. You can replace it with melon or cucumber.

In addition, you can use the advice of the author of the popular book “Food Rules” Michael Pollan, who developed a diet “by color.” He claims that “for the health of the whole body, including the vocal cords, it is enough to eat at least one fruit or vegetable of a certain color a day.” Green, white (garlic), dark blue, yellow and red – they will fill the deficiency of all vitamins and minerals and make you feel great.

What else do you need to do to save your voice

  • Monitor the health of the throat and treat all diseases in a timely manner. In case of malaise and pain, it is better to refrain from talking and, even more so, screaming, and give the vocal cords a rest. Failure to follow these recommendations can lead to irreversible consequences.
  • Get enough sleep. The overall health of the whole body, including the vocal cords, depends on sound and healthy sleep.
  • Always warm up your voice, or sing along, before upcoming concerts and public appearances. This will minimize the stress on the vocal cords and preserve their health.
  • “Give your voice a break! Alternate between talking and silence. In other words, to make 2-hour breaks after 2-hour conversations “- this recommendation is posted on one of the sites for vocalists.
  • Take medications with caution, as some of them can dry out the throat, such as antihistamines. And taking them, increase your fluid intake.
  • Eat a couple of hours before the performances. Hunger and overeating lead to discomfort in the throat.
  • Monitor the temperature in the rooms where performances are scheduled. High temperatures, like low humidity, dry out the vocal cords.
  • Do not consume dairy products immediately before performances. They contribute to increased mucus production, which leads to uncomfortable sensations.
  • Give up smoking and alcohol. They poison the body and remove fluid from it.
  • Limit your intake of coffee, spices and chocolate. They also contribute to dehydration.
  • Do not abuse fatty and fried foods. It provokes an upset stomach and removes fluid from the body.
  • Be wary of odors. Their influence on the human body was known even in the time of Hippocrates. At that time, people were successfully treated with their help. Some doctors still use this experience. The clearest example of this is eucalyptus-based ointments for colds.

Meanwhile, there is a beautiful legend about how a florist in love put a vase of violets on the piano before the performance of his rival, the soloist. As a result, the latter could not strike a single high note.

Believe it or not – everyone’s personal business, but listening is still worth it. Moreover, olfactronics, the science of odors, has not yet been fully studied.

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