Food for the eyes

Eyes – one of the most important human senses. With their help, the body gets 90% of information about the world. The main function of the eye is to adapt the body to environmental conditions. The eye consists of cornea, anterior chamber, iris, lens, and retina. They control the muscles responsible for accommodation and movement. The eyes of man have light-sensitive cells of two types – rods and cones. Sticks are responsible for twilight vision, and cones for the day.

Choosing the “right” foods, you can protect your eyes from premature aging and restore them to health and beauty.

Vitamins for eyesight

To keep eyes healthy, they need vitamins:

  • Vitamin a – prevents degenerative changes in the retina and improves visual acuity.
  • Vitamin C – improves the tonus and microcirculation in the tissues of the eye.
  • Vitamin E prevents the development of myopia and lens opacity.
  • The b vitamins improve the functioning of the optic nerve, are involved in the assimilation of vitamins.
  • Vitamin D and polyunsaturated fatty acid omega prevent the development of retinal degeneration.

Trace elements

  • Potassium is essential for the acid-alkaline balance in the body.
  • Calcium enters the cells and tissue fluid. Has anti-inflammatory action
  • Zinc is involved in tissue respiration
  • Selenium is a good oxidant, AIDS in the absorption of vitamins.

In addition, for eye health lutein is very important and zeaxanthin – antioxidants necessary for the normal functioning of the organs of vision. Contained in green and orange-yellow vegetables (corn, broccoli, spinach etc).

Top 10. Best products for eye health

Carrots – improves visual acuity, due to the presence of a large number of carotene.

Blueberry – contains vitamin A and other substances beneficial for eye health.

Spinach – due to the presence of lutein prevents cataracts and other eye diseases.

Corn, broccoli contains large amounts of antioxidants that are useful for cataracts.

Apricot – rich in potassium and vitamin A.

Rosehips, citrus fruits have a tonic effect on the organs of vision, contain a lot of vitamin C.

The sprouted grains of wheat, nuts, and seeds – rich in vitamins E and B.

Herring (cod) – contains large amounts of vitamin D and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Onions and garlic have sulfur that is beneficial to visual acuity, prevents thrombosis.

Beets – contains vitamin C and potassium, has a cleansing effect.

General guidelines

Eyes diet needs to be full and varied. It is best to use four meals rich in vegetables and fruits. Vegetable salads, freshly squeezed juices from carrots, beets, and spinach, combined with a small number of protein foods, grains, and dairy drink is just what you need eyes.

Overeating is dangerous to the health of the eye. As a result of overeating, food can not fully be exposed to gastric juice. Raw food produces toxins that get into the blood, causing General poisoning of the body.

Folk remedies for eye health

Very good for improving twilight vision helps to use carrot juice, which is rich in vitamin A. For best absorption, take it mixed with milk 50/50. For the cocktail, you can add a couple of tablespoons of beet juice. Daily drink 1 Cup within a month.

For inflammation of the optic nerve and conjunctivitis, it is desirable to use parsley, which helps to eliminate toxins. In the warm season you can use fresh greenery, and in winter, parsley in powder form sold as spices.

One of the most useful berries for the eyes is bilberry. If no fresh berries, you can look for frozen berries in supermarkets. Drugs of blueberries sold in pharmacies contain such a small quantity of the berry that is not able to be effective. In the course of treatment necessary up to ten cups of blueberries.

Very beneficial for the eyes works apricot (due to the contained potassium). Thus it is better to use fresh apricots, or dried apricots, bought from grandmothers.

Apricots, sold in stores, it is better not to use, as a result of processing vapors of sulfur, potassium enters the Union, and it is highly hazardous to the eyes.

Products, harmful to the eyes

  • Salt. Excess salt causes retention of moisture in the body and as a consequence, increased intraocular pressure.
  • Meat and eggs. Protein, of course, beneficial to the body. But excessive use causes the deposition of cholesterol on vascular walls. And because the blood vessels that provide the blood supply to the eyes is very thin, there is a risk that a blockage will occur here.
  • Alcohol. With excessive consumption, alcohol manifests its hidden duality. Initially, it dilates blood vessels, causing warmth, relaxation. But then comes the second stage – the spasm, in which suffering is delicate vessels, including vessels of the eyes.
  • Harmful food additives contained in processed foods, sweet carbonated drinks, chips, and candy.

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Food for the eyes


More about food for eyes watch in the video below:

Best Foods to Boost Your Eye Health | Narayana Nethralaya

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