Vyttadyna fly agaric (Saproamanita vittadinii)

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Amanitaceae (Amanitaceae)
  • Genus: Saproamanita
  • Type: Saproamanita vittadinii (Amanita vittadinii)

Fly agaric Vittadini (Saproamanita vittadinii) photo and description

Vyttadyna fly agaric (Saproamanita vittadinii) has a white, rarely greenish or brownish cap 4-14 cm in diameter. scales usually noticeably rising above the surface of the cap with a 4-6-angled base, always lagging behind the skin along the periphery. The plates are white, free. The leg is cylindrical, white, darker narrowed towards the base, with a smooth or slightly striated ring. The vagina is missing. Although young mushrooms are enclosed in a common Volvo, however, with further growth at the base of the fruiting body, it completely disappears, its traces remain on the surface of the cap and along the entire length of the stem in the form of scales. On the stem is a smooth or slightly striped ring. The vagina disappears quickly and is only noticeable in very young specimens. Spore powder is white. Spores 9-15 x 6,5-11 µm, irregularly ellipsoid, smooth, amyloid.


It is found in some southern and southeastern steppe regions of Our Country. It was found in the protected virgin steppes of Ukraine, in Stavropol, in the steppe areas of the Saratov region, in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and in other places. Distributed in Europe, typical for a relatively warm climate: from the British Isles to Italy, east to Ukraine. There are many reports of the presence of the Vittadini fly agaric in Asia (Israel, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, the Far East), North America (Mexico), South America (Argentina), Africa (Algeria). It grows in forest-steppes, steppes, near forest belts.

In Southern Europe, this mushroom is considered a very rare species.


Amanita vittadini grows from April to October on various soils. Spring – autumn.


Similar to the deadly poisonous white fly agaric (Amanita verna), which have a pronounced vagina, are smaller and grow in the forest. It can also be confused with white umbrellas, which is not dangerous.


Young mushrooms are edible, their taste and smell are pleasant, but due to the danger of being confused with deadly poisonous species, it is better to refrain from eating them. In addition, the mushroom is very rare. Probably because of this, it is sometimes declared as slightly poisonous.

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