Flu headache (why does the flu have a headache)

Flu headache (why does the flu have a headache)

Flu headache (why does the flu have a headache)

Often, a headache with flu occurs due to intoxication of the body. And also almost any headache, and especially with colds, can appear due to a violation of vascular regulation. This unpleasant symptom is removed, as well as high fever, with various antipyretic drugs. But how to get rid of a headache if there is no medicine at hand?

Flu headache (why does the flu have a headache)

Flu headache can occur for a number of reasons. But in any case, this is one of the most unpleasant and painful symptoms that must be dealt with in the first place.

Flu headachecaused by fever and fever indicates that your body is fighting the virus. The blood vessels dilate and pressure builds up in the head. Fever and the accompanying fever, oddly enough, help fight the influenza virus, but do not alleviate the general condition of the patient, causing him to have headache attacks.

It may also be that the flu headache is the result of pressure that you yourself create in your head. When you constantly sniffle, sneeze, or blow your nose too hard. This kind of pain can be distinguished from others because the pressure and tenderness will be located around the nose and eyes. This type of headache with flu can be treated quite simply – it is enough to clear the airways, eliminate cough and runny nose, and the headache will go away after them.

In addition, very often during an illness, the immunological reaction is so strong that then, after recovery, it “turns on” a chronic headache as a defensive reaction to some other, this time already harmless virus. To avoid this, it is imperative that you give your body enough time to recover from the initial flu. Bed rest, a balanced diet and plenty of fluids – all this together will help the body recover and make the immune system less sensitive to those irritants that are not a threat to you anyway.

How to Treat Flu Headache Without Medication?

If you have a severe headache with the flu, the first thing to do is to reduce the pressure in the blood vessels in your head. There are many ways to do this, the easiest one is to take a hot bath (but only if you don’t have a high temperature!).

Hot water will temporarily drain blood from the brain, which means your headache will subside.

Not the most famous, but no less effective than a hot bath, is such a method as finger massage. You need to massage the fingers (along the entire length) on both hands, each finger for a few minutes.

And remember: it’s always best to see a doctor!

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